Submission and Login
Chinese Physics C publishes original research articles, Letters, Reviews and Comments in the field of particle physics, nuclear physics, particle and nuclear astrophysics and cosmology.
Manuscripts must be submitted through the web-based submission system at
During submission, fill in all relevant information, including author information for all co-authorslisted on the manuscript. Upload a PDF of the manuscript for review.
Manuscripts should be original material - by submitting a paper for publication in CPC, the authors imply that the material has not been published previously and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
Author Guideline
- Aims and Scope
Chinese Physics C (CPC) covers the fields of particle physics, nuclear physics, particle and nuclear astrophysics, and cosmology.
CPC publishes Regular Articles, Letters, Reviews and Comments. The manuscripts should be written in English.
- Submission
Manuscripts must be submitted through the web-based submission system at Submissions by email will not be accepted.
During submission, fill in all relevant information, including author information for all co-authors listed on the manuscript. The corresponding author should provide their ORCID. Upload a PDF of the manuscript for review.
Manuscripts should be original material - by submitting a paper for publication in CPC, the authors imply that the material has not been published previously and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere.
- Preparation of Manuscripts
1. Format and contents
The manuscript should be formatted in LaTeX if possible. Otherwise, Microsoft Word format may be used. A PDF file of the manuscript should be uploaded for review, as the manuscript system does not automatically compile PDF from TeX. Note that the manuscript will be typeset by Editorial Office according to CPC's style after being accepted as part of production process, so you don't have to try to produce pages that look like published journal pages. You can format your paper in the way that you choose as long as complying with the following rules.
The manuscript contents should be presented in the following order: title, authors, affiliations and addresses, abstract, keywords, main text, acknowledgements, appendices, references. The main body of the paper should be divided into at least three numbered sections. All pages should be numbered.
2. Title
The title should show clearly what the paper is about, as concisely as possible without losing precision.
3. Names, affiliations and addresses
The names of the authors, their affiliations, and the addresses (including postal code) of their institutions should be given. The name of the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed should be indicated and an e-mail address supplied. If applicable, any collaboration name should follow the list of authors.
For authors from the mainland of China, the author may choose the format of the name in Romanized script, but it must be followed in parenthesis by the name in Chinese characters. For example, for an author named 周 晓 明 , he/she may choose the Romanized version to be Xiao-Ming Zhou (preferred), Xiaoming Zhou, Xiao-ming Zhou or X. M. Zhou. On the paper, this would then appear as Xiao-Ming Zhou (周晓明). Authors from other Chinese-speaking areas, Japan and Korea are welcome to supply names in non-Roman script if they wish.
4. Abstract, keywords
The abstract should give a concise summary of the article and the main results. Three to eight keywords should be provided.
5. Formulae and equations
Formulae or equations should be numbered consecutively and must be referred to in the text. Special attention should be paid to any symbols that could easily be misread, such as i (lower case), I (capital), l (el), 1 (one), ' (prime), o (lower case), O (capital), 0 (zero), °(degree), u,m (Greek mu), v, V (capital), n (Greek nu), x, X, c (Greek chi), ×(multiplication operation), z, Z, p, P, r (Greek rho), etc.
6. References
In the body of the paper, all references must be cited consecutively in numerical order with on-line Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) in square brackets which are spaced away from the preceding word or symbol. For example, “in a relativized quark model [1],”.
In the References section of the paper, various types of reference should be presented as follows.
D. H. Perkins, Introduction to High Energy Physics, Third edition (Menlo Park, California: Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1987), p. 123
N. Paver, in Electromagnetic Interactions of Hadrons, Vol. 2, edited by A. Donnachie and G. Shaw (New York: Plenum Press, 1978), p. 353
Y. S. Zhu, Recent ψ′ and χc Results from BES, in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on High Energy Physics, edited by Z. Ajduk and A. K. Wroblewski (Singapore: World Scientific, 1996), p. 507
G. Song, Hybrid Dose Calculation Research and Program Development for Accurate Radiotherapy, Ph.D. Thesis (Beijing: Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS, 2008) (in Chinese)
M. Q. Cui and S. Xue, China Patent ZL00102966.5 (2003) (in Chinese)
J. Liu, Y. Y. Chu, Z. Z. Ren et al., Theoretical Study of Central Depression of Nuclear Charge Density Distribution by Electron Scattering, Chin. Phys. C, to be published
7. Figures
Figures must be numbered and must be referred to in the text. Each figure must have a separate caption and should be placed near where it is referenced in the text. The figures should have suitable dimensions, not disproportionately large or small. Lettering and essential details should be clearly legible when the article is printed at normal size. Lettering should be uniform. Axes must be labeled properly.
For figure files, EPS (or PDF) format is preferred. All figures should be of sufficiently high resolution, at least 300 dpi for JPG or other non-vector graphics files. All fonts should be embedded.
8. Tables
Each table should have a number and a caption and should be placed near where it is referenced in the text.
9. Acknowledgements and funding information
The Acknowledgements should include thanks to individuals or groups who have helped or
supported the work in some way, but who have not contributed enough to be included as authors of the article. The Acknowledgements section should not include grants or funding information. Funding information should be included in a footnote on the first page of the article, marked with an asterisk.
10. Preprint
When your article is submitted to CPC, you should also submit the article to the arXiv preprint server at or ChinaXiv reprint server at and state that it has been submitted to Chinese Physics C. This will increase the global reach of your article and, for high energy physics papers, will allow your paper to be published under the SCOAP3 Open Access publication scheme. If your article has already been submitted to arXiv, please let us know the preprint number.
11. Data for Publication
Authors are strongly encouraged to deposit the data that supports your research in a trusted repository that supports the FAIR principles. When identifying the most appropriate repositories for your data, please consider the following prioritization. We recommend a repository that specializes in the data for your scientific domain as this will maximize the probability that the deposited data will be interoperable and reusable. If that is not avaiable for your data type, next is your institutional repository and your computing center. Please note that the repository you select must offer a translation to English in order to comply. The recommended repositories include SCIENCEDB, HEPData, HEPForge,etc. For more information please refer to Journal's Data Policy.
12. AI Tools
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT or Large LanguageModels in research publications is expanding rapidly. COPE joins organisations,such as WAME and the JAMA Network among others, to state that AI tools cannotbe listed as an author of a paper. AI tools cannot meet the requirements for authorship as they cannot take responsibility for the submitted work. As non-legal entities,they cannot assert the presence or absence of conflicts of interest nor manage copyright and license agreements. Authors who use AI tools in the writing of amanuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in thecollection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the paper how the AI tool was used and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content oftheir manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.
13. Software Policy
Based on current research practices and the principles of open science, CPC recommends authors follow best practices for software management, archiving, and sharing to enhance research transparency, reproducibility, and credibility. For more information please refer to Journal's Software Policy.
- After Submission Notification
The corresponding author will receive an automatic email acknowledgement when the manuscript is received. A final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the article will normally be sent to the corresponding author by email within three months.
Review process
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed, and we currently use a single-anonymous review process. If necessary, the authors may be asked to revise their manuscript and resubmit a modified version, within one month for minor revisions or two months for major revisions. Revised manuscripts received later than within two months of the decision letter being sent may be considered new submissions.
Copyright transfer
If the paper is accepted for publication, the copyright of the paper should be transferred to the Editorial Office of CPC, unless it qualifies for SCOAP3 publication, in which case it is published under a CC-BY licence. All responsibility for the contents of the paper rests with the authors, including correct ordering of author names, any matters relating to protection of state secrets, etc.
CPC is indexed in major international indexing systems including SCI-E, CA, SA, JICST and РЖ.
- Publication Schedule
Chinese Physics C is published monthly. Articles appear online in final typeset form ahead of the official publication date, in the “Issues in Press” section of the website. The official publication date for print copies is the 5th of each month.
Author Ethics
Authors should ensure the article is their original work and does not get involved with any infringement of previous publications by themselves and other authors.
In addition to appropriately cite relevant publications, authors must get permission to use any information obtained privately (i.e. conversation, correspondence or discuss).
All authors who have made a significant scientific contribution should be named on the manuscript and be accountable for the content equally. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all named authors have approved the submitted version of the manuscript and be willing to take responsibility for it.
During the peer review period, authors must not submit a manuscript to other journal simultaneously.
Funding information should be disclosed in the manuscript.
A conflict of interest (professional or financial) concerned with the manuscript must be declared during the submission.
Authors are allowed to suggest reviewers who must be suitable one with appropriate experience and with no conflict of interest.
After Acceptance
After a paper is accepted, and source files and copyright forms (or SCOAP3 licence forms) are received, the article is assigned to an issue and a DOI prepared. The language is then edited by a native English speaker, before typesetting and copy-editing. Authors are asked to check the proofs before publication. The final print-ready articles appear online first, in the “Issues in Press” section of the website, before print publication.
- Journal Policies on Post-Publication Discussion and Corrections
Articles published with CPC are allowed to be correcting, revising and retracting provided that the author's requests are reasonable and correct verified by experts.
- Complaints and Appeals
If authors consider the decision or comment from the peer reviewer is injustice, he can appeal to editorial office ( for a new review which should be completed by new reviewer and original reviewer. However, the appeal should be no more than twice.
Copyright and Permissions
- Publication rights
For accepted articles, the Chinese Physics C must confirm all necessary rights have been transfer to CPC so that the manuscript can be published. The transfer of copyright includes all material to be published as part of the article, including but not limited to tables, figures, graphs and all supplemental materials. CPC have the right to register copyright to the article in its name as claimant, whether separately or as part of the journal issue in which article is included.
There are two kinds of copyright agreements of CPC: the standard CPC copyright transfer form and SCOAP3 license, both of them must be filled in correctly, signed, dated and submitted to CPC.
The standard CPC copyright transfer form is required when the accepted article published under the subscription model.
The SCOAP3 license to publish agreement is required when the accepted article qualifies for SCOAP3 funding and CPC can offer free Open Access publication..
- Permissions
To reuse of subscription content published by CPC, the users need to request permission from CPC, unless the content was published under an Open Access license which automatically permits that type of reuse.
To reuse of Open Access content published by CPC, for content published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license (“CC CY”), the users don’t need to request permission to copy, distribute and display the final published version of the article and to create derivative works, subject to appropriate attribution.
Author Fee
For articles funded by SCOAP3, there are no page fees or other charges.For non-SCOAP3 articles submitted by authors from institutions outside the Chinese mainland, there are no page fees or other charges. For non-SCOAP3 articles submitted by authors from institutions within the Chinese mainland, page fees apply if an article is accepted. There are no other charges.
We recommend that all authors submit their manuscripts to the relevant sections of arXiv ( or or ChinaXiv(, specifying ‘Submitted to Chinese Physics C’ in the header of the first page of the article.
For high energy physics articles in the hep-ex, hep-ph, hep-th and hep-lat categories, if you would like to qualify for SCOAP3funding, you must submit your manuscript to arXiv and provide us with the arXiv number. Please send the arXiv number for your article to the CPC Editorial Office at