2009 Vol. 33, No. 6

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Nuclear and ion Physics
Evidence of self-affine multiplicity fluctuation of target residues in 84Kr-AgBr interactions at 1.7 AGeV
ZHANG Dong-Hai, LI Hui-Ling
2009, 33(6): 407-410. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/001

Self-affine multiplicity scaling is investigated in the framework of a two-dimensional factorial moment methodology using the concept of the Hurst exponent (H). Analyzing the experimental data of target evaporated fragments
emitted in 84Kr-AgBr interactions at 1.7 AGeV revealed that the best power law behavior is exhibited for H=0.3 indicating a self-affine multiplicity fluctuation pattern. A signal of multifractality is also observed from knowledge of the anomalous fractal dimension dq extracted from the intermittency exponent aq of the anisotropic phase space scenario.

Influence of quark energy loss on extracting nuclear sea quark distribution from nuclear Drell-Yan experimental data
DUAN Chun-Gui, LIU Na
2009, 33(6): 411-414. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/002

By means of two typical kinds of quark energy loss parametrization and the nuclear parton distributions determined only with lepton-nuclear deep inelastic scattering experimental data, a leading order analysis is performed on the proton-induced Drell-Yan differential cross section ratios of tungsten versus deuterium as a function of the quark momentum fraction in the beam proton and target nuclei. It is found that the theoretical results with quark energy loss are in good agreement with the experimental data. The quark energy loss effect produces approximately 3% to 11% suppression on the Drell-Yan differential cross section ratios RW/D in the range 0.05≤x2≤0.3. The application of nuclear Drell-Yan data with heavy targets is remarkably subject to difficulty in the constraint of the nuclear sea quark distribution.

Comparison between global phenomenological and microscopic optical potentials for proton as projectile below 100 MeV
LI Xiao-Hua, LIANG Chun-Tian, CAI Chong-Hai
2009, 33(6): 415-422. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/003

For 112 target nuclei (52 elements) with proton as projectile, we calculate the reaction cross sections and elastic scattering angular distributions, as well as the χ2 values for 16 kinds of proton optical model potentials: two sets of phenomenological global optical potentials and the microscopic optical potentials proposed by Shen et al for 14 sets of Skyrme force parameters: GS1-6, SBJS, SKM, SGI-Ⅱ, SKa-b, SG0I-Ⅱ. We find that for obtaining the proton microscopic optical potential based on the nuclear matter approach with Skyrme force, SGI, SKa and SKb are the three sets of optimal Skyrme force parameters.

Detection Technology and Methods
Application of the HKS in the identification of kaons produced in the reaction(e, e'K+)
SONG Yu-Shou, HU Bi-Tao
2009, 33(6): 423-427. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/004

At Jefferson Laboratory the experiment E02-017 was carried out to investigate the fission associated with kaons in the hypernuclei-producing interaction p(e,K+e')Λ. The newly installed high resolution kaon spectrometer (HKS) in Hall C was used as a key instrument to identify kaons. This paper introduces the HKS hardware and describes the way the kaons are identified. Maintaining most of the kaons (nearly 100%) in the data, HKS identifies kaons with a purity of ~67% in this experiment. The resolution of the kaon target time reconstructed by HKS reaches 0.42 ns.

Decay vertex reconstruction and 3-dimensional lifetime determination at BESⅢ
XU Min, HE Kang-Lin, ZHANG Zi-Ping, WANG Yi-Fang
2009, 33(6): 428-435. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/005

This paper focuses mainly on the vertex reconstruction of resonance particles with a relatively long lifetime such as KS0, Λ, as well as on lifetime measurements using a 3-dimensional fit. The kinematic constraints between the production and decay vertices and the decay vertex fitting algorithm based on the least squares method are both presented. Reconstruction efficiencies including experimental resolutions are discussed. The results and systematic errors are calculated based on a Monte Carlo simulation.

A comparison of ionizing radiation damage in CMOS devices from 60Co gamma rays, electrons and protons
HE Bao-Ping, YAO Zhi-Bin, ZHANG Feng-Qi
2009, 33(6): 436-439. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/006
Radiation hardened CC4007RH and non-radiation hardened CC4011 devices were irradiated using 60Co gamma rays, 1 MeV electrons and 1—9 MeV protons to compare the ionizing radiation damage of the gamma rays with the charged particles. For all devices examined, with experimental uncertainty, the radiation induced threshold voltage shifts (ΔVth) generated by 60Co gamma rays are equal to that of 1 MeV electron and 1—7 MeV proton radiation under 0 gate bias condition. Under 5 V gate bias condition, the distinction of threshold voltage shifts (ΔVth) generated by 60Co gamma rays and 1 MeV electrons irradiation are not large, and the radiation damage for protons below 9 MeV is always less than that of 60Co gamma rays. The lower energy the proton has, the less serious the radiation damage becomes.
Measuring the performance of the coaxial HOM coupler on a 2-cell TESLA-shapecopper cavity
WANG Fang, WANG Er-Dong, ZHANG Bao-Cheng, ZHAO Kui
2009, 33(6): 440-443. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/007

Coaxial High Order Mode (HOM) couplers have been fabricated at Peking University and their RF performance has been measured on a test device consisting of a coaxial transmission line and a 2-cell TESLA-shape copper cavity. The test results on the 2-cell TESLA-shape copper cavity with HOM couplers indicate that the coupler can cut off the fundamental mode TM010 and absorb HOMs effectively after a careful adjustment. The optimal angle of the HOM coupler with the beam tube is found. The initial test results of HOM couplers are presented in this paper.

Study on the 1.3 GHz low loss shape superconducting cavities at IHEP
ZONG Zhan-Guo, GAO Jie, GU Jun, SUN Hong, ZHAO Fa-Cheng, GE Ming-Qi, XU Qing-Jin, ZHAI Ji-Yuan, YUAN Hong, CHEN Jin-Zhe, XIE Wei-Ping, LIU Li-Qiang, ZHANG Liang
2009, 33(6): 444-449. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/008

As part of the international research program on the superconducting cavity for the International Linear Collider (ILC) R&D on the 1.3 GHz low loss superconducting cavities has been carried out at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) since 2005. A design of 1.3 GHz low loss cavity shape was proposed and six single-cell cavities of different niobium material were successfully fabricated with standard technology. In this study our priority was on large grain (LG) cavities. The two LG cavities were treated with complete procedures of surface treatments based on chemical polishing (CP) without electro polishing (EP) at IHEP. The two LG cavities and a fine grain cavity were sent to KEK for vertical testing. All the three cavities reached accelerating gradients higher than 35 MV/m and the maximum gradient of 40.27 MV/m was achieved in the LG cavity. This paper presents the process of the vertical RF tests and the comparison of the LG and fine grain cavities's performance.

Special Issue
Darkon dark matter, unparticle effects and collider physics
HE Xiao-Gang
2009, 33(6): 451-455. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/010

In this talk I report recent results on the simplest dark matter model, the Darkon model, and supersymmetric unparticle effects on dark matter, and some implications for collider physics. I first discuss dark matter properties and collider signatures in the Darkon model, and then I discuss some implications for dark matter if a scalar unparticle is introduced to the MSSM.

Jet energy loss and bulk parton collectivity in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC
HUANG Huan-Zhong
2009, 33(6): 456-462. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/011
Nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC produce high temperature and high energy density matter which exhibits partonic degrees of freedom. We will discuss measurements of nuclear modification factors for light hadrons and non-photonic electrons from heavy quark decays, which reflect the flavor dependence of energy loss of high momentum partons traversing the dense QCD medium. The dense QCD medium responds to energy loss of high momentum partons in a pattern consistent with that expected from a hydrodynamic fluid. The hadronization of bulk partonic matter exhibits collectivity with effective partonic degrees of freedom. Nuclear collisions at RHIC provide an intriguing environment, where many constituent quark ingredients are readily available for possible formation of exotic particles through quark coalescence or recombinations.
Next-to-leading-order calculation in kT factorization
LI Hsiang-Nan
2009, 33(6): 463-468. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/012

We explain the framework for calculating next-to-leading-order (NLO) corrections to exclusive processes in the kT factorization theorem, taking πγ*→γ as an example. Partons off-shell by kT2 are considered in both the quark diagrams from full QCD and the effective diagrams for the pion wave function. The gauge dependences in the above two sets of diagrams cancel, when deriving the kT-dependent hard kernel as their difference. The light-cone singularities in the kT-dependent pion wave function are regularized by rotating the Wilson lines away from the light cone. Both the large double logarithms ln2kT and ln2 x, x being a parton momentum fraction, arise from the loop correction to the virtual photon vertex, the former being absorbed into the pion wave function, and the latter into a jet function.

Impact of ultra-light particles on polarization of laser light in strong external fields
2009, 33(6): 469-472. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/013
The recent results by the PVLAS group on possible changes of polarization of laser light in a transverse magnetic field are beyond the QED expectations by many orders of magnitude. If confirmed, they may indicate new physics associated with ultra-light particles. I describe here how the polarization of light is modified in an external magnetic field by interactions with a spin-zero particle of no definite parity. While the PVLAS-type experiments cannot tell such a particle from one with definite parity, the parity property could be studied in photon regeneration experiments if the polarization of the regenerated photons could be measured. This talk was based on my recent work.
Strong decays of newly observed heavy flavor hadrons
LIU Xiang
2009, 33(6): 473-480. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/014
In this talk, we briefly review the experimental status of newly observed charmed hadrons during the past years. Then we introduce the theoretical progresses on these charmed hadrons, especially our studies on the strong decays of new charmed hadrons during the past one year.
Rapidity dependence of hadron pT spectra in central Au+Au collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV
SHAO Feng-Lan, SONG Jun, XIE Qu-Bing
2009, 33(6): 481-486. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/015
The transverse momentum spectra for identified hadrons at different
rapidities in central Au+Au collisions at √sNN= 200 GeV are studied in a quark combination model. The results for pT spectra of π±, K±, p(p) and for the p/π ratios in a broader pT range at midrapidity agree well with the data. The transverse momentum spectra of pions, protons and antiprotons at various rapidities y~1, η=2.2 and y≈3.2 are calculated and compared with the data.
Lorentz violation constrained by triplicity of lepton families and neutrino oscillations
WANG Hai-Jun
2009, 33(6): 487-493. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/016
In this paper we postulate an algebraic model to relate the triplet characteristic of lepton families to Lorentz violation. Inspired by the two-to-one mapping between the group SL(2,C) and the Lorentz group via the Pauli grading (the elements of SL(2,C) expressed by direct sum of unit matrix and generators of SU(2) group), we grade the SL(3,C) group with the generators of SU(3), i. e. the Gell-Mann matrices, then express the SU(3) group in terms of three SU(2) subgroups, each of which stands for a lepton species and is mapped into the proper Lorentz group as in the case of the group SL(2,C). If the mapping from group SL(3,C) to the Lorentz group is constructed by choosing one SU(2) subgroup as basis, then the other two subgroups display their impact only by one more additional generator to that of the original Lorentz group. Applying the mapping result to the Dirac equation, it is found that only when the kinetic vertex γμ \vpartialμ is extended to encompass γ5γμ\vpartialμ can the Dirac-equation-form be conserved. The generalized vertex is useful in producing neutrino oscillations and mass differences.
Light four-quark states and QCD sum rule
2009, 33(6): 494-496. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/017
The relations among four-quark states, diquarks and QCD sum rules are discussed. The situation of the existing, but incomplete studies of four-quark states with QCD sum rules is analyzed. Masses of some diquark clusters were attempted to be determined by QCD sum rules, and masses of some light tetraquark states were obtained in terms of the diquarks.
Progress in p-shell Λ hypernuclear spectroscopy
ZHOU Shu-Hua
2009, 33(6): 497-500. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/33/6/018
The strangeness nuclear physics is an important branch of nuclear physics. The spectroscopic study of Λ hypernuclei has been used as a tool for investigating the Λ-N interaction as well as probing the nuclear interior structure. In this paper some high-lights and open questions in the spectroscopic study of p-shell Λ hypernuclei are presented.

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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