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  • Model for Glauber-type calculations of beam fragmentation at low energies
    2025, 49(5): 054106-054106-7. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/adb2fc
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    In this study, a Glauber-type model for describing nuclear fragmentation in light targets at energies below 100 $A\cdot$MeV is presented. It is developed based on the Glauber model within the nucleon transparent limit, in which the Lorentz-invariant phase space factor is introduced to account for energy and momentum conservation. Accordingly, the scope of the applicability of the model is discussed. The longitudinal momentum distributions of the most neutron-rich nuclei (10Be, 9Li, and 8He), which were produced in a few nucleon removal reactions during the 11B fragmentation of a Be target at beam energies of 10, 30, and 100 $A\cdot$MeV, are calculated. The results of the calculations are then compared to the predictions of statistical fragmentation models, such as the Goldhaber model. Using the new model, the asymmetric longitudinal momentum distributions at low energies are explained by the kinematical locus and geometry of the reaction.
  • One-loop analytical expressions for gg/γγϕiϕj in Higgs extensions of the standard model and their applications
    2025, 49(5): 053102-053102-24. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ada3cd
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    General one-loop formulas for loop-induced processes $gg/\gamma \gamma \rightarrow \phi_i\phi_j$ with $\phi_i\phi_j = hh,~hH,~HH$ are presented in this paper. The analytic expressions evaluated in this study are valid for a class of Higgs Extensions of the Standard Model, e.g., Inert Doublet Higgs, Two Higgs Doublet, Zee-Babu, and Triplet Higgs Models. Analytic expressions for one-loop form factors are expressesd in terms of the basic scalar one-loop two-, three-, and four-point functions following the output format of the packages $ {\tt LoopTools}$ and $ {\tt Collier}$. Hence, physical results can be evaluated numerically using one of these packages. The analytic results are tested using several checks such as the ultraviolet finiteness and infrared finiteness of the one-loop amplitudes. Furthermore, the amplitudes obey the ward identity due to massless gauge bosons in the initial states. This identity is also verified numerically. Regarding applications, we present the phenomenological results for the investigated processes in the Zee-Babu model as a typical example. In particular, production cross-sections for the processes $\gamma \gamma\rightarrow hh$ are scanned over the parameter space of the Zee-Babu Model.
  • Predictions for the synthesis of new superheavy nuclei with a 252Cf target
    2025, 49(5): 054107-054107-12. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ada3cc
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    The $ ^{252} {\rm{Cf}}$ isotope produced at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a promising target material for the synthesis of new superheavy nuclei through fusion reaction experiments. Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, reaction systems with the $ ^{252} {\rm{Cf}}$ target and $ ^{48} {\rm{Ca}}$, $ ^{45} {\rm{Sc}}$, $ ^{50} {\rm{Ti}}$, $ ^{51} {\rm{V}}$, $ ^{54} {\rm{Cr}}$, and $ ^{55} {\rm{Mn}}$ projectiles are investigated for the synthesis of the new isotopes $ ^{295-297} {\rm{Og}}$, $ ^{292-294} {\rm{119}}$, $ ^{297-299} {\rm{120}}$, $ ^{298-300} {\rm{121}}$, $ ^{301-303} {\rm{122}}$ , and $ ^{302-304} {\rm{123}}$. The decreasing trend of maximal evaporation residue cross sections with the increasing proton number of the compound nucleus is discussed in the capture, fusion, and survival stages. Additionally, radioactive beam-induced reactions based on the $ ^{252} {\rm{Cf}}$ target are investigated to reach the predicted neutron shell closure N = 184, with the maximal evaporation residue cross section predicted to be 21 fb for synthesizing $ ^{302} {\rm{Og}}$. The predicted results fall below the current detection limitation, indicating the necessity for advancement in both accelerator and detection techniques, as well as exploration of alternative reaction mechanisms.
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ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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