Soft pattern of Rutherford scattering from heavy target mass expansion
2025, 49(3): 033102. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/acdb56We investigate the soft behavior of the tree-level Rutherford scattering process. We consider two types of Rutherford scattering processes: One in which a low-energy massless point-like projectile (say, a spin-
${1/ 2}$ or spin-$ 0 $ electron) hits a static massive composite target particle carrying various spins (up to spin-$ 2 $ ), and one where a slowly-moving light projectile hits a heavy static composite target. For the first type, the unpolarized cross sections in the laboratory frame are found to exhibit universal forms in the first two orders of$ 1/M $ expansion yet differ at the next-to-next-to-leading order (though some terms at this order still remain universal or depend on the target spin in a definite manner). For the second type, at the lowest order in electron velocity expansion, through all orders in$ 1/M $ , the unpolarized cross section is universal (also not sensitive to the projectile spin). The universality partially breaks down at relative order-$ v^2/M^2 $ , though some terms at this order are still universal or depend on the target spin in a specific manner. We also employ the effective field theory approach to reproduce the soft behavior of the differential cross sections for when the target particle is a composite spin-${1/ 2}$ fermion. -
Potential to identify neutrino mass ordering with reactor antineutrinos at JUNO
2025, 49(3): 033104. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad7f3eThe Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multi-purpose neutrino experiment under construction in South China. This paper presents an updated estimate of JUNO’s sensitivity to neutrino mass ordering using the reactor antineutrinos emitted from eight nuclear reactor cores in the Taishan and Yangjiang nuclear power plants. This measurement is planned by studying the fine interference pattern caused by quasi-vacuum oscillations in the oscillated antineutrino spectrum at a baseline of 52.5 km and is completely independent of the CP violating phase and neutrino mixing angle θ23. The sensitivity is obtained through a joint analysis of JUNO and Taishan Antineutrino Observatory (TAO) detectors utilizing the best available knowledge to date about the location and overburden of the JUNO experimental site, local and global nuclear reactors, JUNO and TAO detector responses, expected event rates and spectra of signals and backgrounds, and systematic uncertainties of analysis inputs. We find that a 3σ median sensitivity to reject the wrong mass ordering hypothesis can be reached with an exposure of about 6.5 years × 26.6 GW thermal power.
Layout optimization and performance analysis of large array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes
2025, 49(3): 035001. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad8e3fThe large array of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (LACT) is a planned array of 32 Cherenkov telescopes, each featuring 6-m diameter mirrors, to be constructed at the LHAASO site. This study focused on optimizing the array layout and analyzing the performance of LACT. Two observation modes were examined: large zenith angle observations for ultra-high energy events and small zenith angle observations for lower energy thresholds. For large zenith angles (60°), simulations indicate that an 8-telescope subarray can achieve an effective area of
$ 3 \; \rm km^2 $ with excellent angular resolution. For small zenith angles, we optimized the layout of 4-telescope cells and the full 32-telescope array. The energy threshold of the full array is approximately 200 GeV, which is particularly crucial for studying transient phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This study provides essential guidance for finalizing the LACT layout design and estimating performance under various observational conditions. It also highlights the potential of LACT for conducting deep observations of ultra-high energyγ-ray sources, performing morphological studies of PeVatrons, and advancing time-domain γ-ray astronomy.
Just Accepted
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Strong decays of the fully-charm tetraquark states with explicit P-waves via the QCD sum rules
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Nanohertz gravitational waves and primordial quark nuggets from dense QCD matter in the early Universe
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Model for Glauber-type calculations of beam fragmentation at low energies
2025, 49(5): 054106-054106-7. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/adb2fcShow AbstractIn this study, a Glauber-type model for describing nuclear fragmentation in light targets at energies below 100
$A\cdot$ MeV is presented. It is developed based on the Glauber model within the nucleon transparent limit, in which the Lorentz-invariant phase space factor is introduced to account for energy and momentum conservation. Accordingly, the scope of the applicability of the model is discussed. The longitudinal momentum distributions of the most neutron-rich nuclei (10Be, 9Li, and 8He), which were produced in a few nucleon removal reactions during the 11B fragmentation of a Be target at beam energies of 10, 30, and 100$A\cdot$ MeV, are calculated. The results of the calculations are then compared to the predictions of statistical fragmentation models, such as the Goldhaber model. Using the new model, the asymmetric longitudinal momentum distributions at low energies are explained by the kinematical locus and geometry of the reaction. -
One-loop analytical expressions for gg/γγ → ϕiϕj in Higgs extensions of the standard model and their applications
2025, 49(5): 053102-053102-24. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ada3cdShow AbstractGeneral one-loop formulas for loop-induced processes
$gg/\gamma \gamma \rightarrow \phi_i\phi_j$ with$\phi_i\phi_j = hh,~hH,~HH$ are presented in this paper. The analytic expressions evaluated in this study are valid for a class of Higgs Extensions of the Standard Model, e.g., Inert Doublet Higgs, Two Higgs Doublet, Zee-Babu, and Triplet Higgs Models. Analytic expressions for one-loop form factors are expressesd in terms of the basic scalar one-loop two-, three-, and four-point functions following the output format of the packages$ {\tt LoopTools}$ and$ {\tt Collier}$ . Hence, physical results can be evaluated numerically using one of these packages. The analytic results are tested using several checks such as the ultraviolet finiteness and infrared finiteness of the one-loop amplitudes. Furthermore, the amplitudes obey the ward identity due to massless gauge bosons in the initial states. This identity is also verified numerically. Regarding applications, we present the phenomenological results for the investigated processes in the Zee-Babu model as a typical example. In particular, production cross-sections for the processes$\gamma \gamma\rightarrow hh$ are scanned over the parameter space of the Zee-Babu Model. -
Predictions for the synthesis of new superheavy nuclei with a 252Cf target
2025, 49(5): 054107-054107-12. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ada3ccShow AbstractThe
$ ^{252} {\rm{Cf}}$ isotope produced at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a promising target material for the synthesis of new superheavy nuclei through fusion reaction experiments. Within the framework of the dinuclear system model, reaction systems with the$ ^{252} {\rm{Cf}}$ target and$ ^{48} {\rm{Ca}}$ ,$ ^{45} {\rm{Sc}}$ ,$ ^{50} {\rm{Ti}}$ ,$ ^{51} {\rm{V}}$ ,$ ^{54} {\rm{Cr}}$ , and$ ^{55} {\rm{Mn}}$ projectiles are investigated for the synthesis of the new isotopes$ ^{295-297} {\rm{Og}}$ ,$ ^{292-294} {\rm{119}}$ ,$ ^{297-299} {\rm{120}}$ ,$ ^{298-300} {\rm{121}}$ ,$ ^{301-303} {\rm{122}}$ , and$ ^{302-304} {\rm{123}}$ . The decreasing trend of maximal evaporation residue cross sections with the increasing proton number of the compound nucleus is discussed in the capture, fusion, and survival stages. Additionally, radioactive beam-induced reactions based on the$ ^{252} {\rm{Cf}}$ target are investigated to reach the predicted neutron shell closure N = 184, with the maximal evaporation residue cross section predicted to be 21 fb for synthesizing$ ^{302} {\rm{Og}}$ . The predicted results fall below the current detection limitation, indicating the necessity for advancement in both accelerator and detection techniques, as well as exploration of alternative reaction mechanisms.
ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4
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Cover Story
- Cover Story (Issue 1, 2025) Comments on Prediction of Energy Resolution inthe JUNO Experiment
- Cover Story (Issue 12, 2024) | Doubly heavy meson puzzle: precise prediction of the mass spectra and hadronic decay with coupled channel effects to hunt for beauty-charm family
- Cover Story (Issue 9, 2024) Measurement of solar pp neutrino flux using electron recoil data from PandaX-4T commissioning run
- Cover Story (Issue 11, 2024) | Form factor for Dalitz decays from J/ψ to light pseudoscalars
- Cover Story (Issue 3, 2024) | First measurement of the ground-state mass of 22Al helps to evaluate the ab-initio theory