The impact of systematic uncertainties is accounted for by adding Gaussian constraints to the NLL. The list of systematic uncertainties are discussed below:
1. A common normalization error, caused by uncertainties in event reconstruction and selection efficiencies, is applied to all PDF components equally.
2. SS fraction, due to uncertainties in the relative fraction of SS events out of all the events. The mean SS fractions are derived from by simulation, and their error is determined by simulation and benchmarked with calibration data.
3. Uncertainty in the relative fraction of neutron capture related PDF components by dedicated simulations.
4. Uncertainty in the activity of radon in the LXe as determined in the standalone studies via measurement of 214Bi-214Po correlated decays.
5. Signal specific normalization error. An error associated only to signal events, allowing the signal to vary by the estimated error.
The first four errors were evaluated in previous EXO-200 analyses [1]. The common normalization errors are 3.1% (2.9%) for Phase I (Phase II), with the dominant contribution from the fiducial volume cut [1]. The SS fraction error is evaluated by the difference between data and MC simulation for various calibration sources at different positions. The errors are 5.8% (4.6%) for Phase I (Phase II) [1]. The relative capture fractions of cosmogenic neutrons is constrained with a 20% uncertainty [22]. The radon daughters-induced background in LXe is constrained by the measured rate of radon decays [24].
The estimate of the signal-specific normalization error follows the same methodology as in [40]. The main difference from the result in [9] is that a signal count dependent treatment is used in this analysis instead of a constant fractional uncertainty. This more accurately accounts for the error at small signal counts. This error varies as a function of signal counts, and consists of two main contributions: 1) shape error, caused by the level of the PDF shape agreement between data and MC; 2) the background model error due to not considering all the detailed locations of backgrounds originating from materials far from the TPC Vessel in the fit model. Instead, some representative positions are used to represent 238U, 232Th, 60Co from these materials. The systematic errors caused by this approximation are estimated by replacing the PDF of the remote components at different locations in the fit. The shape errors are evaluated on an ensemble of toy datasets. Each toy dataset was generated from the MC PDFs weighted by the observed data/MC ratio based on the calibration data, but fitted with the original unweighted PDFs. The difference between the injected number of signals against the fitted number of signals is taken as the shape error. The background model errors are evaluated by comparing the difference of best fit signal counts by replacing a PDF component in the background model with its alternative one at a different position. The two contributions are added in quadrature in the end, with the shape error being the dominant one. The evaluated signal normalization errors (
$\sigma_{\rm signal}$ ) at different injected signal numbers are found to be well described by$\sigma_{\rm signal}/N=a/N$ , with N being the signal counts and a being the parameter used to quantify signal-specific normalization error. The errors are summarized in Table 1.Phase I Phase II Common normalization 3.1% 2.9% Sig-specific normalization a 30.7 17.9 SS fraction 5.8% 4.6% Radon in LXe 10% 10% Neutron capture 20% 20% Table 1. Summary of systematic errors. The evaluated signal normalization errors at different injected signal numbers are parameterized by
$\sigma_{\rm signal}/N=a/N$ , where N is the signal counts.A possible energy scale difference between beta particles and gamma particles is considered. The energy scale of beta-like events is allowed to float freely with respect to γ events by multiplying a beta scale factor to all PDFs representing interactions of β-like events in the fit. The best fit value of beta scale is 1.0017±0.0017 (1.0008±0.0017) for Phase I (Phase II), suggesting a consistent energy scale within subpercent level above the 1000 keV analysis threshold.
The 90% CL sensitivity to the half-life of the excited state decay was evaluated to be
$ 2.0\times10^{24} $ yr for Phase I. With the improved systematic uncertainty from the CNN discriminator, optimized selection cuts and slightly larger exposure, the Phase I sensitivity is improved by 15% from the BDT-based approach in [9], under the new treatment of signal dependent normalization error. The new analysis of Phase II data presented in this work has a slightly better sensitivity of$ 2.2\times10^{24} $ yr because of smaller systematic uncertainties. Considering the current sensitivities are dominated by statistical uncertainties, the combined sensitivity can be calculated by treating the systematic errors between the two phases as independent, which gives a combined sensitivity of$ 2.9\times10^{24} $ yr.A final fit using energy and CNN as fitting dimensions was applied to the full EXO-200 dataset. We found no statistically significant signals in either phase (Fig. 7). A lower limit on the half-life is obtained to be
$0.9 \times10^{24} $ yr and$1.4 \times10^{24} $ yr for Phase I and Phase II. The combination of the two phases gives a limit of$1.4 \times10^{24} $ yr. While there are large uncertainties from different nuclear models, the result in this work is in tension with the values predicted by QRPA as summarized in Table 2. The future nEXO experiment [41] is expected to greatly improve the search capabilities since it is expected to fully contain the de-excitation gammas and allow lower backgrounds, as well as have much more exposure [42].Figure 7. (color online) Best fit to the MS low background data for energy spectrum (left) and discriminator spectrum (right) in Phase I (top) and Phase II (bottom). The energy bins are 15 keV and 30 keV below and above 2800 keV, respectively. The best-fit residuals of the MS energy spectrum are shown for illustration, with only statistical uncertainty taken into account. The small deviations are taken into account in the spectral shape systematic errors.
Reference $ T^{2\nu}_{1/2} $ ($ 10^{23} $ yr)Theory QRPA [20] $ 0.14-13 $ QRPA [21] $ 1.3-8.9 $ IBM-2 [20] $(1.5-3.6)\times 10^{2}$ IBM-2 [43] $ 2.5 \cdot10^2 $ NSM [20] $(2.5-6.6)\times 10^3$ EFT [20] $(0.62-16)\times 10^{2}$ Experiment KamLAND-Zen [18] $>8.3 $ EXO-200 (2016) [9] $>6.9 $ EXO-200 This work $>14 $ Table 2. Theoretical and experimental results of
$ ^{136}{\rm Xe} $ $ 2\nu\beta\beta $ -decay half-life to the$ 0^+_1 $ state of$ ^{136}{\rm Ba} $ .
Search for two-neutrino double-beta decay of 136Xe to the ${\bf 0^+_1} $ excited state of 136Ba with the complete EXO-200 dataset
- Received Date: 2023-03-03
- Available Online: 2023-10-15
Abstract: A new search for two-neutrino double-beta (2νββ) decay of 136Xe to the