Here, we will briefly review the dynamics of the photon motion to explore the BH shadow under the combined effects of plasma medium and the quantum corrections resulting from the loop quantum gravity. The corresponding metric describing a static and spherically symmetric quantum-corrected BH in Boyer–Lindquist coordinates
$ (t, r, \theta, \phi) $ is given by [81]$ d s^2 = -f(r)d t^2+f(r)^{-1}d r^2+r^2d\Omega^2, $
(1) with
$ f(r) = \left(1-\frac{2G M}{r}+\frac{\alpha G^2M^2}{r^4}\right)\, , $
(2) where M refers to the Arnowitt–Deser–Misner mass, while
$ \alpha = 16\sqrt{3}\pi\gamma^3\ell_p^2 $ to the quantum corrected parameter, together with the Immirzi parameter γ and the Planck length$ \ell_p = \sqrt{G\hbar} $ . For further analysis we shall for simplicity consider α as a dimensionless quantity by considering$ \alpha\to \alpha/M^2 $ and setting$ G = c = 1 $ . here, it is worth noting that the metric describing the quantum-corrected BH through Eq. (1) can be reduced to the Schwarzschild BH in the limit of$ \alpha\to 0 $ .Photon motion around the quantum-corrected BH immersed in the plasma medium: Here, we consider the formalism used to model and study the motion of the photon around the quantum-corrected BH on the basis of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. To this end, we first write the Hamiltonian for null geodesics around the BH in the presence of the plasma medium, which is given by [87]
$ {\cal{H}}(x^\alpha, p_\alpha) = \frac{1}{2}\left[ g^{\alpha \beta} p_\alpha p_\beta - (n^2-1)( p_\beta u^\beta )^2 \right]\, , $
(3) where
$ x^{\alpha} $ refers to the spacetime coordinates,$ u^\beta $ and$ p_\alpha $ are the four-velocity and momentum of the photon, respectively. In addition, n is the refractive index, i.e.,$ n = \omega/k $ , k is the wave number. We can write the following equation for the refractive index [88]$ n^2 = 1- \frac{\omega_{\text{p}}^2}{\omega^2}\, , $
(4) where
$ \omega^2_{p}(x^\alpha) = 4 \pi e^2 N(x^\alpha)/m_e $ is the plasma frequency, with$ m_e $ and e refer to the electron mass and charge, and N is the number density of the electrons. Using the expression$ \omega^2 = ( p_\beta u^\beta )^2 $ , we can find the photon frequency as$ \omega(r) = \frac{\omega_0}{\sqrt{f(r)}}\ ,\qquad \omega_0 = \text{const}\, . $
(5) If r tends to infinity (
$ r \rightarrow \infty $ ), the lapse function$ f(r) $ tends to 1. Hence,$ \omega(\infty) = \omega_0 = -p_t $ which expresses the photon energy at spatial infinity [89].$ \omega_0 $ can be restricted using the photon geodesics$ {\cal H} = 0 $ as$ \frac{\omega^2_0}{f(r)}>\omega^2_p(r)\, . $
(6) From the physical point of view, the meaning of this restriction is that photon frequency at a given point (
$ \omega(r) $ ) must be greater than the plasma frequency at the same point. This rule can be consistently applied to light propagation in a plasma. Hence, the BH shadow can have different forms from the vacuum case$ \omega_p = 0 $ . Using the Eq. (4), we can rewrite the Eq. (3) for the light geodesics in the presence of a plasma medium in the following form$ {\cal{H}} = \frac{1}{2}\Big[g^{\alpha\beta}p_{\alpha}p_{\beta}+\omega^2_{\text{p}}]\, . $
(7) The four velocities for the photon can be written in the equatorial plane (
$ \theta = \pi/2 $ ) as$ \dot t\equiv\frac{dt}{d\lambda} = \frac{ {-p_t}}{f(r)}\, , $
(8) $ \dot r\equiv\frac{dr}{d\lambda} = p_r f(r)\, , $
(9) $ \dot\phi\equiv\frac{d \phi}{d\lambda} = \frac{p_{\phi}}{r^2}\, , $
(10) where
$ \dot x^\alpha = \partial {\cal{H}}/\partial p_\alpha $ . The orbit equation is obtained using Eqs. (9) and (10) as follows:$ \frac{dr}{d\phi} = \frac{g^{rr}p_r}{g^{\phi\phi}p_{\phi}}\, . $
(11) The above equation can be written for the photon geodesics
$ {\cal{H}} = 0 $ $ \frac{dr}{d\phi} = \sqrt{\frac{g^{rr}}{g^{\phi\phi}}}\sqrt{\gamma^2(r)\frac{\omega^2_0}{p_\phi^2}-1}\, , $
(12) where the following relation holds well
$ \gamma^2(r)\equiv-\frac{g^{tt}}{g^{\phi\phi}}-\frac{\omega^2_p}{g^{\phi\phi}\omega^2_0}\ . $
(13) A light ray comes from infinity, reaches a minimum at a radius
$ r_{ps} $ , and then returns to infinity. Mathematically, it corresponds to a turning point of the$ \gamma^2(r) $ function. Hence, the radius of the photon sphere can be determined from the following equation$ \frac{d(\gamma^2(r))}{dr}\bigg|_{r = r_{\text{ps}}} = 0\, . $
(14) It is hard to solve the above equation; therefore, we use the numerical method and plot the dependence of the photon radius on the BH and plasma parameters in Fig. 1. It is evident from Fig. 1 that the value of the photon radius increases with the increase of the plasma parameter. Moreover, there is a decrease in the photon radius with an increase in the quantum corrected parameter α. This corresponds to the interpretation of the quantum-corrected parameter as a repulsive gravitational charge, which physically manifests in a change of the causal structure, weakening the strength of the gravitational field at a close distance near the quantum-corrected BH. This allows for photon orbits to remain closer to the BH.
Figure 1. (color online) Left panel: The radius of the photon sphere as a function of the plasma frequency for different values of the α parameter. Right panel: The dependence of the radius of the photon sphere on the α parameter for different values of the plasma frequency.
The quantum-corrected black hole shadow in the plasma medium: Now, we move to study the BH shadow radius in the presence of the plasma medium. We demonstrate the photon's trajectory in Fig 2 to provide more information. It can be shown from Fig 2 that if the angle α approaches
$ \alpha_{sh} $ , the radius of the shadow R tends to$ r_{ps} $ . Then, we can explore the BH shadow using this figure. We can define the angular radius$ \alpha_{sh} $ of the BH as follows [42, 89]Figure 2. The schematic diagram of the light bending around BH. As R approaches
$ r_{ps} $ , the angle α converges to the angular radius of the BH shadow$ \alpha_{sh} $ .$ \sin^2 \alpha_{\text{sh}} = \frac{\gamma^2(r_{\text{ps}})}{\gamma^2(r_{\text{o}})}, = \frac{r^2_{\text{ps}}\left[\dfrac{1}{f(r_{\text{ps}})}-\dfrac{\omega^2_p(r_{\text{ps}})}{\omega^2_0}\right]}{r^2_{\text{o}}\left[\dfrac{1}{f(r_{\text{o}})}-\dfrac{\omega^2_p(r_{\text{o}})}{\omega^2_0}\right]}, $
(15) where
$ r_{\text{ps}} $ and$ r_{\text{o}} $ refer to the locations of the photon sphere and observer, respectively. We can approximate the radius of the BH shadow for the observer located at a sufficiently large distance from the BH as [89]$ R_{\text{sh}} \simeq r_{\text{o}} \sin \alpha_{\text{sh}}, = \sqrt{r^2_{\text{ps}}\left[\dfrac{1}{f(r_{\text{ps}})}-\dfrac{\omega^2_p(r_{\text{ps}})}{\omega^2_0}\right]}. $
(16) We demonstrate the dependence of the BH shadow on the plasma and BH parameter in Fig. 3. We can see from this figure that the radius of the BH shadow decreased with the increase of the plasma parameter. In addition, under the influence of the α parameter the radius of the BH shadow decreased slightly. Now we assume that the compact objects Sgr A* and M87* are static and spherically symmetric, even though the observation obtained by the EHT collaboration does not support the assumption made here. Then, we try to theoretically explore the lower limits of the α parameter, using the data provided by the EHT collaboration project. We chose the α parameter and plasma frequency for constraint. We can constraint these two quantities α and
$ \omega^2_p/\omega^2 $ using the observational data provided by the EHT collaboration regarding the shadows of the supermassive BHs Sgr A* and M87*. The angular diameter$ \theta_{M87*} $ of the BH shadow, the distance from Earth and the mass of the BH at the center of the M87* are$ \theta_{M87*} = 42 \pm 3 \mu as $ ,$ D = 16.8 \pm 0.8 M pc $ and$ M_{M87*} = 6.5 \pm 0.7 \times 10^9 M_{\odot} $ [8], respectively. For Sgr A*, the data provided by the EHT collaboration are$ \theta_{Sgr A*} = 48.7 \pm 7 \mu $ $ D = 8277 \pm 9 \pm 33 pc $ and$ M_{Sgr A*} = 4.297 \pm 0.013 \times 10^6 M_{\odot} $ (VLTI) [90]. Using this information, one can calculate the diameter of the shadow caused by the compact object per unit mass as [91]Figure 3. (color online) Left panel: The radius of the BH shadow as a function of the plasma frequency for different values of the α parameter. Right panel: The dependence of the radius of the BH shadow on the α parameter for different values of the plasma frequency.
$ d_{sh} = \frac{D\theta}{M}\, . $
(17) Using the expression
$ d_{sh} = 2R_{sh} $ one can easily obtain the expression for the diameter of the BH shadow. Note that the distance D is considered a dimension of M [8, 9]. The diameter of the BH shadow$ d^{M87*}_{sh} = (11 \pm 1.5)M $ for M87* and$ d^{Sgr*}_{sh} = (9.5 \pm 1.4)M $ for Sgr A*. The lower limits on the quantities α and$ \omega^2_{p}/\omega^2 $ for the supermassive BHs at the centers of the galaxies Sgr A* and M87* can be found using the observational EHT data. It is shown in Fig. 4. -
In this section, we explore the weak gravitational lensing for two different plasma distributions, i.e., uniform and non-uniform plasma. For that, we first represent the weak-field approximation as [64, 92]
$ g_{\alpha \beta} = \eta_{\alpha \beta}+h_{\alpha \beta}\, , $
(18) where
$ \eta_{\alpha \beta} $ and$ h_{\alpha \beta} $ refer to the expressions for Minkowski spacetime and the perturbation gravity field, respectively. One can write the following conditions for them$ \begin{array}{l} \eta_{\alpha \beta} = diag(-1,1,1,1)\ , \\ h_{\alpha \beta} \ll 1, \ \ \ \ h_{\alpha \beta} \rightarrow 0 \ \ \ \ \text{under}\ \ \ \ x^{\alpha}\rightarrow \infty \ ,\\ g^{\alpha \beta} = \eta^{\alpha \beta}-h^{\alpha \beta}, \ \ \ \ h^{\alpha \beta} = h_{\alpha \beta}\ . \end{array} $
(19) One can write the following equation for the deflection angle around the quantum-corrected BH as [92]
$ \hat{\alpha }_{\text{b}} = \frac{1}{2}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\frac{b}{r}\left(\frac{dh_{33}}{dr}+\frac{1}{1-\omega^2_p/ \omega^2}\frac{dh_{00}}{dr}\right. - \left.\frac{K_e}{\omega^2-\omega^2_p}\frac{dN}{dr} \right)dz\, , $
(20) where ω and
$ \omega_{p} $ are the photon and plasma frequancies, respectively. Further, we expand the metric functions into a Taylor series for calculations. The line element can be written as$ ds^2 \approx ds^2_0+\left(\frac{2 M}{r}-\frac{\alpha M^2}{r^4}\right)dt^2 + \left(\frac{2 M}{r}-\frac{\alpha M^2}{r^4}\right)dr^2\, , $
(21) with
$ ds^2_0 = -dt^2+dr^2+r^2(d\theta^2+\sin^2\theta d\phi^2) $ . After that, we can define the components of$ h_{\alpha \beta} $ as the perturbations which are written as follows:$ h_{00} = \frac{2 M}{r}-\frac{\alpha M^2}{r^4}\, , $
(22) $ h_{ik} = \left(\frac{2 M}{r}-\frac{\alpha M^2}{r^4}\right)n_i n_k\, , $
(23) $ h_{33} = \left(\frac{2 M}{r}-\frac{\alpha M^2}{r^4}\right) \cos^2\chi \, , $
(24) with
$ \cos^2\chi = z^2/(b^2+z^2) $ and$ r^2 = b^2+z^2 $ . One can write the first derivatives of$ h_{00} $ and$ h_{33} $ with respect to the radial coordinate as follows$ \frac{dh_{00}}{dr} = -\frac{2M}{r^2}+\frac{4 \alpha M^2}{r^5}\, , $
(25) $ \frac{dh_{33}}{dr} = -\frac{2 M z^2}{r^4}+\frac{4 \alpha M^2 z^2}{r^7}\, . $
(26) We can write the deflection angle in the following form
$ \hat{\alpha_b} = \hat{\alpha_1}+\hat{\alpha_2}+\hat{\alpha_3}\, , $
(27) with
$ \begin{aligned}[b]& \hat{\alpha_1} = \frac{1}{2}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{b}{r}\frac{dh_{33}}{dr}dz\ ,\\ &\hat{\alpha_2} = \frac{1}{2}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{b}{r}\frac{1}{1-\omega^2_p/ \omega^2}\frac{dh_{00}}{dr}dz\ ,\\& \hat{\alpha_3} = \frac{1}{2}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{b}{r}\left(-\frac{K_e}{\omega^2-\omega^2_p}\frac{dN}{dr} \right)dz\ . \end{aligned} $
(28) In the following, we explore the impact of plasma density distributions on the deflection angle from two different perspectives: uniform and non-uniform plasma cases.
Uniform plasma distribution: In this part, we consider a uniform plasma surrounding the quantum-corrected BH and examine its impact on the gravitational angle of deflection. Therefore, we rewrite Eq. (27) for uniform plasma
$ \hat{\alpha}_{uni} = \hat{\alpha}_{uni1}+\hat{\alpha}_{uni2}+\hat{\alpha}_{uni3}\, . $
(29) One can define the deflection angle influenced by a uniform plasma using Eqs. (24), (27) and (28). The dependence of the deflection angle on the impact parameter b is demonstrated in Fig. 5. The left panel corresponds to the vacuum case. There is a slight decrease with the increase of the α parameter. The right panel corresponds to the uniform plasma case. Comparing the two panels, we can say that the deflection angle increases in the uniform plasma than in the vacuum case. In Fig. 6, we demonstrate the role of plasma parameters on the deflection angle. Note that the values of the deflection angle increase under the influence of the uniform plasma frequency.
Figure 5. (color online) Left panel: The dependence of the deflection angle
$ \hat{\alpha}_{vac} $ on the impact parameter b for the different values of the α parameter; here,$ \omega^2_p / \omega^2 = 0 $ . The dependence of the deflection angle$ \hat{\alpha}_{\text{uni}} $ on the impact parameter b for the different values of the parameter α (right panel).Figure 6. (color online) The deflection angle
$ \hat{\alpha}_{\text{uni}}$ as a function of the impact parameter b for different values of the plasma frequency. Here we have set$ \alpha=0.5$ .Non-uniform plasma distribution: Thereafter, we consider the non-singular isothermal sphere (SIS). SIS density distribution can be defined as [92]
$ \rho(r) = \frac{\sigma^2_{\nu}}{2\pi r^2}\, , $
(30) where
$ \sigma^2_{\nu} $ refers to an one-dimensional velocity dispersion. With this in mind, the analytical expression for the plasma concentration is given as$ N(r) = \frac{\rho(r)}{k m_p}\, , $
(31) where
$ m_p $ and k refer to proton mass and a dimensionless constant, respectively. Then one can find the plasma frequency in the following form$ \omega^2_e = K_e N(r) = \frac{K_e \sigma^2_{\nu}}{2\pi k m_p r^2}\, . $
(32) To conduct a more detailed analysis of the non-uniform plasma (SIS) effect, it is necessary to derive the explicit expression for the deflection angle around BH. It can be written as
$ \hat{\alpha}_{SIS} = \hat{\alpha}_{SIS1}+\hat{\alpha}_{SIS2}+\hat{\alpha}_{SIS3} \, . $
(33) By u Eqs. (24), (28), and (33), we can derive the expression for the deflection angle and introduce the additional plasma constant
$ \omega^2_c $ in its explicit form. [92]$ \omega^2_c = \frac{K_e \sigma^2_{\nu}}{2\pi k m_p R^2_S}\ . $
(34) where
$ R_S = 2M $ . In Fig. 7, we have demonstrated the dependence of the deflection angle around the quantum-corrected BH on the impact parameter b for different values of the α parameter and the non-uniform plasma frequency. We can observe from Fig. 7 that the deflection angle decreases with the increase of the non-uniform plasma frequency. Moreover, there is a slight decrease in the values of the deflection angle with an increase of the α parameter. Note that the non-uniform plasma has an opposite effect on the deflection angle compared with the uniform plasma case. To be more informative we have plotted both cases in a single plot by making the values of the plasma frequencies the same (see Fig. 8).Figure 7. (color online) The dependence of the deflection angle
$ \hat{\alpha}_{\text{sis}} $ on the impact parameter b for the different values of the parameter α (left panel) and the plasma frequency (right panel).Figure 8. (color online) Left panel: The dependence of the deflection angle
$ \hat{\alpha }_{\text{b}} $ on the impact parameter b. Here, α parameter equals to$ 0.5 $ . Right panel: the deflection angle$ \hat{\alpha }_{\text{b}} $ against the plasma parameters. The other parameters are$ b/M = 6 $ and$ \alpha = 0.5 $ . -
In this section, we study the magnification of the gravitationally lensed image around the quantum-corrected BH using the deflection angle of the light. With this in mind, we present the following equation, which combines the light angles
$ \hat{\alpha_b} $ , θ, and β around the black hole [64, 93]$ \theta D_\mathrm{s} = \beta D_\mathrm{s}+\hat{\alpha_b}D_\mathrm{ds}\, , $
(35) where
$ D_\mathrm{d} $ is the distance between the lens and the observer,$ D_\mathrm{s} $ the source and the observer,$ D_\mathrm{d} $ the lens and the observer,$ D_\mathrm{ds} $ the source and the lens. Also, θ and β refer to the image's angular position and β the source's angular position, respectively. One can write the angular position of the source β using Eq. (35) as$ \beta = \theta -\frac{D_\mathrm{ds}}{D_\mathrm{s}}\frac{\xi(\theta)}{D_\mathrm{d}}\frac{1}{\theta}\, , $
(36) with
$ \xi(\theta) = |\hat{\alpha}_b|\,b $ and$ b = D_\mathrm{d}\theta $ . It is important to note that the shape of the image can be identified as Einstein's ring with a radius of$ R_s = D_\mathrm{d}, \theta_E $ , assuming it appears as a ring. In this case, the corresponding angular part$ \theta_E $ is defined by$ \theta_E = \sqrt{2R_s\frac{D_{ds}}{D_dD_s}}\, . $
(37) Then the magnification of brightness yields
$ \mu_{\Sigma} = \frac{I_\mathrm{tot}}{I_*} = \underset{k}\sum\bigg|\bigg(\frac{\theta_k}{\beta}\bigg)\bigg(\frac{d\theta_k}{d\beta}\bigg)\bigg|, \quad k = 1,2, \cdot \cdot \cdot , j\, ,\\ $
(38) where
$ I_* $ and$ I_\mathrm{tot} $ refer to the unlensed brightness of the source and the total brightness, respectively. After that one can write the magnification of the source as follows [94−96]$ \mu^\mathrm{pl}_\mathrm+ = \frac{1}{4}\bigg(\frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+4}}+\frac{\sqrt{x^2+4}}{x}+2\bigg)\, , $
(39) $ \mu^\mathrm{pl}_\mathrm- = \frac{1}{4}\bigg(\frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+4}}+\frac{\sqrt{x^2+4}}{x}-2\bigg)\, , $
(40) The magnification of the source is then expressed as, where
$ x = {\beta}/{\theta_E} $ is a dimensionless parameter, and$ \mu_{+}^{\mathrm{pl}} $ and$ \mu_{-}^{\mathrm{pl}} $ represent the images. As a result, the total magnification can be written a linear combination of the images as follows:$ \mu^\mathrm{pl}_\mathrm{tot} = \mu^\mathrm{pl}_++\mu^\mathrm{pl}_- = \frac{x^2+2}{x\sqrt{x^2+4}}\, . $
(41) In the next, we explore the magnification of the source for two different cases: uniform and non-uniform plasma distributions surrounding the quantum-corrected BH.
Uniform plasma medium case: In this part, we consider the uniform plasma medium to explore the magnification of the lensed image as mentioned above. Therefore, one can rewrite the Eq. (41) for uniform plasma that surrounds the quantum-corrected BH in the following form
$ \mu^{pl}_{tot} = \mu^{pl}_++\mu^{pl}_- = \dfrac{x^2_{uni}+2}{x_{uni}\sqrt{x^2_{uni}+4}}\, , $
(42) Here, the images
$ (\mu^{pl}_+)_{uni} $ and$ (\mu^{pl}_-)_{uni} $ are defined by$ (\mu^{pl}_+)_{uni} = \frac{1}{4}\left(\dfrac{x_{uni}}{\sqrt{x^2_{uni}+4}}+\dfrac{\sqrt{x^2_{uni}+4}}{x_{uni}}+2\right)\, , $
(43) and
$ (\mu^{pl}_-)_{uni} = \frac{1}{4}\left(\dfrac{x_{uni}}{\sqrt{x^2_{uni}+4}}+\dfrac{\sqrt{x^2_{uni}+4}}{x_{uni}}-2\right)\, , $
(44) with
$ x_{uni} = \frac{\beta}{(\theta^{pl}_E)_{uni}}\, . $
(45) We numerically investigated the total magnification in a uniform plasma case. Fig. 9 shows the dependence of the total magnification of the image
$ \mu^\mathrm{pl}_\mathrm{tot} $ on the uniform plasma frequency for different values of the α parameter with a fixed value of the impact parameter$ b = 6M $ . One can see from this figure that there is a slight decrease with the increase of the α parameter. Moreover, the values of the total magnification increase with an increase of the uniform plasma frequency.Figure 9. (color online) The total magnification
$\mu_{tot}$ as a function of the plasma frequency$\omega^2_{p}/\omega^2$ for different values of the α parameter. Here,$b=6M$ .Non-uniform plasma medium case: Afterwards, we study the behavior of the total magnification by considering the non-uniform plasma (SIS). We can write the following equations for the non-uniform plasma case
$ (\mu^{pl}_{tot})_{SIS} = (\mu^{pl}_+)_{SIS}+(\mu^{pl}_-)_{SIS} = \dfrac{x^2_{SIS}+2}{x_{SIS}\sqrt{x^2_{SIS}+4}}\ , $
(46) with
$ (\mu^{pl}_+)_{SIS} = \frac{1}{4}\left(\dfrac{x_{SIS}}{\sqrt{x^2_{SIS}+4}}+\dfrac{\sqrt{x^2_{SIS}+4}}{x_{SIS}}+2\right)\ , $
(47) $ (\mu^{pl}_-)_{SIS} = \frac{1}{4}\left(\dfrac{x_{SIS}}{\sqrt{x^2_{SIS}+4}}+\dfrac{\sqrt{x^2_{SIS}+4}}{x_{SIS}}-2\right)\ , $
(48) where
$ x_{SIS} $ is$ x_{SIS} = \frac{\beta}{(\theta^{pl}_E)_{SIS}}\, . $
Using Eq. (46), the total magnification can be determined as a function of the plasma parameter. It can be seen from Fig. 10 that the total magnification decreases with the increase of the non-uniform plasma parameter. Moreover, one can deduce that the total magnification of lensed images decreases under the influence of the quantum corrected parameter α acting as a repulsive gravitational charge, which physically results in the weakening of gravitational field around the BH. The effect of α is the same for both uniform and non-uniform plasma distributions. However, we find that the total magnification decreases in the presence of non-uniform plasma compared to that of uniform plasma.
Shadow and gravitational weak lensing around a quantum-corrected black hole surrounded by a plasma
- Received Date: 2024-10-01
- Available Online: 2025-04-01
Abstract: In this paper, we delve into the optical properties of a quantum-corrected black hole (BH) in loop quantum gravity, surrounded by a plasma medium. We first determine the photon and shadow radii resulting from quantum corrections and the plasma medium in the environment surrounding a quantum-corrected BH. We find that the photon sphere and the BH shadow radii decrease due to the quantum correction parameter α acting as a repulsive gravitational charge. We further delve into the gravitational weak lensing by applying the general formalism used to model the deflection angle of the light traveling around the quantum-corrected BH placed in the plasma medium. We show, in conjunction with the fact that the combined effects of the quantum correction and non-uniform plasma frequency parameter can decrease the deflection angle, that the light traveling through the uniform plasma can be strongly deflected compared to the non-uniform plasma environment surrounding the quantum-corrected BH. Finally, we consider the magnification of the lensed image brightness under the effect of the quantum correction parameter α, together with the uniform and non-uniform plasma effects.