Measuring jet production offers unique opportunities to study the perturbative and non-perturbative behavior of QCD [1–3]. Heavy flavor jets have been used to verify perturbative QCD and explore the non-perturbative effect, thereby enhancing our understanding of jet evolution in vacuum or QCD media [4, 5]. Currently at the LHC, identification techniques of heavy flavor jets make it possible to discriminate the jets originating from b or c quarks and those from light flavor quarks or gluons. Experimental collaborations at the LHC have measured heavy flavor jet production [6–16], and more results are expected in the near future, especially from LHC Run 3.
Many efforts on the theoretical side have been devoted to studying heavy flavor jets at various colliders. The inclusive
$ p_T $ spectrum of heavy flavor jets [17, 18] can be predicted with the help of the semi-inclusive jet function [19, 20]. The heavy flavor jet with high transverse momentum can be used to understand the evolution of a massless quark when the mass is small enough to be ignored in comparison to the jet energy. In addition, the mass impact on the perturbative and non-perturbative nature during the evolution of heavy flavor quarks can be monitored by measuring the radiation pattern inside jets. In this regard, the most famous phenomenon is the dead cone effect [21–23], which is a direct consequence of the suppression of the collinear radiation due to the mass of the radiator, i.e., the heavy quark. In recent years, the mass effect using heavy flavor jets has drawn a lot of attention in both theoretical and experimental studies. This mass effect has been analyzed in gauge theory models such as QED and QCD [24–30]. Besides, many studies have been devoted to quantifying the dead cone effect in heavy-ion and electron-ion collisions [18, 31–37].In general, the non-zero mass of heavy quarks can control the infrared behavior of the radiation, leading to a specific perturbative radiation effect. In the collinear limit, the splitting of a massive quark can be described by effective field theory as [38]
$ \left[\frac{{\rm d} N}{{\rm d}^2{\bf{k}}_\perp d z }\right]_{Q \to Qg} \propto \frac{1}{{\bf{k}}^2_\perp + z^2 m^2}\;, $
(1) where
$ {\bf{k}}_\perp $ is the transverse momentum of the emitted gluon and z is the energy fraction of the gluon relative to the parent massive quark. According to Eq. (1), if we compare with the massless quark splitting, the small-angle radiation is significantly suppressed by the mass term, i.e., the dead cone effect emerges [22]. Jet properties and substructures have been widely used to study this effect. In [28, 39, 40], the authors investigated$ z_g $ and$ \theta_g $ distributions for the groomed b jet, showing that the b-quark mass effect plays an important role in the collinear splitting pattern. Many other developments have been proposed on jet substructures for heavy flavor jet production [34, 41, 42]. There are also studies that applied heavy flavor jet observables at the electron-ion collider [43]; see also Ref. [44] and the references therein. By inspecting the splitting inside the jet, the dead cone effect has already been measured using the substructure of the charm jet by ALICE [13–15].Eq. (1) also shows that generally the mass effect is more significant at relatively low energy scales/small angles. To obtain a better energy/angular resolution for this effect, the most straightforward approach is to measure the angular distribution of hadron multiplicity in the jet. The dead cone effect can be explored by comparing the hadron angular distribution between heavy flavors and light quark jets. As a physical phenomenon that typically occurs at preconfinement scale [45, 46], hadron multiplicity is not an infrared safe observable. However, we expect that the angular distribution of the hadrons preserves most of the perturbative effect from the heavy quark mass. We also propose a transverse energy-weighted angular distribution that connects the perturbative and non-perturbative multiplicity distributions. The proposed observable can be measured at the LHC and provides a new approach for investigating the mass effect for QCD radiation and jet formation. Furthermore, this observable can be used to test or tune the hadronization models of Monte-Carlo event generators.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We provide a definition of the observable in Sec. II. Section III presents numerical results from Monte-Carlo event generators and discusses the mass effect on jet evolution. Sec. IV concludes the paper.
In general, the non-zero mass of a radiator or radiated particles can control the infrared behavior of the radiation. Given that the heavy quark mass does not originate from confinement dynamics, it can lead to a specific perturbative radiation effect. The averaged charged particle multiplicities in
$ e^+e^- $ collision were used to investigate the mass effect [23, 47–49]. Currently, leveraging the LHC and high luminosity LHC, it is possible to take a closer look inside jets. In this paper, we propose the simplest approach to comprehensively analyze the dead cone effect for heavy flavor jets: an averaged multiplicity distribution defined as$\frac{{\rm d}\langle N_{ch} \rangle }{{\rm d}\theta} = \sum\limits_{ch \in {\rm{jet}}} \frac{{\rm d}P_{ch}}{{\rm d}\theta}\,, $
(2) where θ is the opening angle between the jet axis and the moving direction of the charged hadron
$ ch $ , and${\rm d}P_{ch}/{\rm d}\theta$ is the probability distribution as a function of θ for a charged hadron$ ch $ . According to the dead cone effect, the collinear radiation inside heavy flavor jets is suppressed at a small angle. A detailed study of${\rm d}\langle N_{ch} \rangle/ {\rm d}\theta$ for jets with various transverse momenta can be used to quantitatively identify the energy scale of the dead cone effect. Although this observable is not infrared safe, the distribution is expected to reflect the pattern from perturbative radiations; in particular, the difference between heavy flavor and light quark jets. This observable may depend on the definition of the jet axis. In this study, we used the traditional energy combination scheme to retain the correlation between the directions of the jet axis and momentum of the parent parton.Regarding the non-perturbative nature of
${\rm d}\langle N_{ch} \rangle/{\rm d}\theta$ , it is interesting to investigate to what extent this angle distribution can be affected by non-perturbative QCD. Therefore, we introduce a variation to Eq. (2):$ \frac{{\rm d}\langle N_{ch} \rangle (\kappa) }{{\rm d}\theta}= \sum\limits_{{ch} \in {\rm{jet}}} \left(\frac{p_{T, {ch}}}{p_{T, {{\rm{jet}}}}}\right)^\kappa \frac{{\rm d}P_{ch}}{{\rm d}\theta} \;, $
(3) where
$ p_{T, ch} $ and$ p_{T, j} $ are the transverse momenta for the charged hadron and jets, respectively; κ is a free parameter. When$ \kappa=0 $ , it is reduced to the multiplicity distributions inside jets. For$ \kappa=1 $ ,${\rm d}\langle N_{ch}\rangle(\kappa=1)/{\rm d}\theta$ measures the θ dependence of the energy deposit inside the jet cone, and$\int_0^{r} {\rm d}\theta \dfrac{{\rm d}\langle N_{ch}\rangle(\kappa=1)}{{\rm d}\theta}$ corresponds to the infrared safe observable jet shape or jet transverse energy profile [50]. For a variation in the range of$ 0\leq \kappa \leq 1 $ , a bridge between infrared unsafe and safe observables is established, which can be utilized to probe the non-pertubative effect.
Mass suppression effect in QCD radiation and hadron angular distribution in jet
- Received Date: 2024-01-17
- Available Online: 2024-06-15
Abstract: The finite mass of the heavy quark suppresses the collimated radiations; this is generally referred to as the dead cone effect. In this paper, we study the distribution of hadron multiplicity over the hadron opening angle with respect to the jet axis for various jet flavors. The corresponding measurement can be the most straightforward and simplest approach to explore the dynamical evolution of the radiations in the corresponding jet, which can expose the mass effect. We also propose a transverse energy-weighted angular distribution, which sheds light on the interplay between perturbative and non-perturbative effects in the radiation. Through Monte-Carlo simulations, our calculations show that the dead cone effect can be clearly observed by finding the ratio between the b and light-quark (inclusive) jets; this is expected to be measured at the LHC in the future.