The impact of kick velocity on the companion depends on the binding energy of the system and the kinetic energy of the kick exerted on the orbit. It is noteworthy to mention here that, after AIC, the mass transfer starts once more due to the evolution of the companion star. Figure 1 shows the evolutionary track of the AIC process as it decreases in mass. However, given a particular initial mass of the WD
1.1M⊙ [35], it takes a time interval shorter than 0.4 Gyr, see, e.g., [36] to trigger the AIC. The mass transfer model used in this work is based on the Roche model and ignores the secondary spin angular momentum. The angular momentum loss due to the gravitational radiation is calculated. This is valid for the WD primary [37]. This further changes the orbital period and the eccentricity [38]. This section covers the binding energy of a dynamical system based on the change in orbital energy. This could occur during the pre-SN orbit and immediately before the explosion, as described by the equationEorb,i=−GMWDMc,i2ai,
(1) =−GMWDMc,iai+MWDMc,iMNS+Mc,iv2i,
(2) where the
vi is WD's initial velocity relative to its companion (mass = Chandrasekhar massMch ). MNS is the NS mass. G is Newton’s gravitational constant. At the evolution of a binary under instantaneous mass loss, the initial mass of the companionMc,i is assumed to be at least4M⊙≤Mcom≤6M⊙ , which may be reasonable for AIC binaries where the companion is on the main sequence of helium.ai is the system's initial semi-major axis, which is approximately (1.5 R⊙ ). For more information, see, e.g., [39] and references therein.The orbital energy after the SNe
(3) =−GMNSMc,faf+MNSMc,fMNS+Mc,fv2f,
(4) where the companion
Mc,f 's final mass is estimated to be at least 1.4M⊙ , see, e.g., [9]. The final velocity of WD relative to its companion is given byvf . af is the system's final semi-major axis after the AIC process, which is approximately (3R⊙ ), see i.e, [40, 41]. The geometry of an asymmetric SN in the binary system is illustrated in Fig. 2. This depends on the mass loss and angular momentum variations. The low binding energy of the ejecta and the low explosive energy are, of course, related. The slow rotation is caused by the accretion of gas with small angular momentum during this process.Figure 2. Simple diagram illustrating how the companion star,
Mc , receives some of the mass ejected by the exploding WD during the AIC. The top panel corresponds to an instant right before the explosion. The bottom panel corresponds to an instant immediately after it happens. The ejected material has been schematically divided into blobs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The sum of the masses of all blobs is asymmetric mass ejection. The motion of each blob is shown with an arrow. Blobs 1, 2 and 7 reach the surface ofMc . Therefore, the masses of blobs 1, 2 and 7 are received and set to be (ΔM∼0.18M⊙ ).It is worth noting that different amounts of deposition energy into the common envelope should make a noticeable difference in the two different phases (pre- and post-AIC). This is due to the dissipating mechanism acting on the dynamical orbital evolution. In addition, I also consider the angular momentum that could affect the separation distance for the system based on the amount of accreted mass, see, i.e, [40].
(5) However, this effect could be observed from the gravitational radiation emitted by the binary motion in a circular orbit [34]. In addition, the role of the compactness C = GM/(c
2 R), where c is the speed of light and G is the gravitational constant, during accretion is adopted from [32], and points out the need to constrain the equation of state. As a result, a more accreted baryonic mass is transformed into binding energy instead of gravitational mass [33].Here, I consider the pre-AIC and post-AIC binding energies of the binary system by assuming the difference in final and initial orbital energies
Eorb,f andEorb,i , respectively (see Fig. 3). This could cause the system's orbit to continually circularize and contract due to losing orbital energy.Figure 3. Dynamical evolution of the post-AIC and pre-AIC systems as can be seen from the initial and final binding energies. Note that the typical mass loss taken for this is
0.18M⊙ .ΔEorb=Eorb,f−Eorb,i.
(6) Following Ref. [42], I employ the efficiency parameter (ζ) during a common envelope evolution [43] to obtain the binding energy, which is dependent on the detailed structure (i.e., radius of the companion at an evolutionary stage) of the dynamical process in binaries [44]. Thus, I have
(7) From this, I calculate the
af of the new binary after the AIC process (see Fig. 4). If the value ofaf is too small, the core overfills its new Roche lobe [45], and the cores then merge. As a result, gravitational waves may be produced during the pre-SN phase [16].Figure 4. Final separation distance as a function of time. An indicator of the presence of a dynamical AIC process in a given system is the strong sensitivity to initial conditions. i.e.. masses and semi-major axes (see system details in the text).
I also deal with a system that orbits around a common center of mass, see e.g., [36, 46]. Then,
af grows, but the system remains bounded bya=r(1+ecosθ)1−e2 . As a result, I can obtain bothΔEorb,i andEorb,f .The initial binding energy of the system can be given by
(8) where
Mb=(MWD+Mc,i)=(MNS+Mc,f ).Hence, the final binding energy can be given as
(9) In the picture presented here, I find that the initial binding energy has a significant effect on the final fate of both evolution of the components (see Fig. 5) and the orbital parameters that change during the conservative mass transfer. The majority of the mass is lost in an AIC binary system coming from the WD converting baryonic mass into binding energy during the collapse of the newborn NS, with a mass change of the order of
0.18M⊙ [36]. This can happen due to their larger compactness [32]. If enough orbital energy continues to be lost, this causes a merger of the binary components (like in some CO WDs merging). At this stage of evolution, this phenomenon creates a common envelope phase by reducing the orbital energy by envelope binding energy [45, 47] (see Fig. 6).Figure 5. (color online) Final orbital energy as a function of the final fate of the mass companion. The correlation is roughly linear, as predicted by the H-R diagram.
Figure 6. (color online) Final orbital energy as a function of the final binding energy through the AIC process.
A note should be made concerning the given equation of state, because it will govern the specific binding energy for determining the binary's evolution. In [48] a strong correlation was found between several equations of state and tidal deformability associated with NS binding energies. Furthermore, they discovered that the lower limit of NS mass has a binding energy of 1.52
×1053 ergs. Based on these interesting results. [49] estimated the amount of the gravitational mass of the NS, which is∼1.2M⊙ . This result is consistent with the NS observations made by [50, 51].The result from the mass estimation benefits from the mildly recycled pulsar J0453+1559 [52, 53]. This system consists of a double NS with masses of
1.56M⊙ and1.17M⊙ , an orbital period of 4.07-day, a spin period of 45 ms, and an orbital eccentricity of (e = 0.11). The amount of gravitational binding energy is expected to be around (ΔM∼0.18M⊙ ) as shown in Fig. 6. This can be used to add some additional constraints when given a gravitational mass measurement for double NSs.
Binding energy produced within the framework of the accretion of millisecond pulsars
- Received Date: 2022-11-10
- Available Online: 2023-04-15
Abstract: The role and implication of binding energy through the accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of accreting white dwarfs (WDs) for the production of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are investigated. The binding energy model is examined due to the dynamic process in closed binary systems, and the possible mass of the companion sufficient to induce their orbital parameters is investigated. The deterministic nature of this interaction has a strong sensitivity to the equation of state of the binary systems (where the compactness of a neutron star is proportional to the amount of binding energy) associated with their initial conditions. This behavior mimics the commonly assumed mass and amount of accreted matter under the instantaneous mass loss (