The most direct way to test the DDR is to compare the luminosity distance
$ D_L $ and angular diameter distance$ D_A $ at the same redshift. However, it is difficult to measure$ D_L $ and$ D_A $ simultaneously from a single object. Generally,$ D_L $ and$ D_A $ are obtained from different types of objects approximately at the same redshift. In our study, we determine$ D_L $ from SNe Ia and determine$ D_A $ from SGL systems. The details of the method are presented below.With an increasing number of galaxy-scale SGL systems being discovered in recent years, they are widely used to investigate gravity and cosmology. In the specific case in which the lens perfectly aligns with the source and observer, an Einstein ring appears. In the general case, only part of the ring appears, from which the radius of the Einstein ring can be deduced. The Einstein radius depends on not only the geometry of the lensing system but also the mass profile of the lens galaxy. To investigate the influence of the mass profile of the lens galaxy, we consider three types of lens models that are widely discussed in literature: the singular isothermal sphere (SIS) model, power-law (PL) model, and extended power-law (EPL) model.
In the SIS model, the mass density of the lens galaxy scales as
$ \rho\propto r^{-2} $ , and the Einstein radius takes the form [29]$ \begin{equation} \theta_{\rm E}=\frac{D_{A_{ls}}}{D_{A_s}}\frac{4\pi\sigma^2_{\rm{SIS}}}{{\rm c}^2}, \end{equation} $
(1) where c is the speed of light in vacuum,
$ \sigma_{\rm SIS} $ is the velocity dispersion of the lens galaxy,$ D_{A_s} $ and$ D_{A_{ls}} $ are the angular diameter distances between the observer and the source and between the lens and the source, respectively. From Eq. (1), we see that the Einstein radius depends on the distance ratio$ R_A\equiv D_{A_{ls}}/D_{A_s} $ , which can be obtained from the observables$ \theta_{\rm E} $ and$ \sigma_{\rm SIS} $ using$ \begin{equation} R_A=\frac{{\rm c}^2\theta_{\rm{E}}}{4\pi\sigma^2_{\rm{SIS}}}. \end{equation} $
(2) Note that it is not necessary for
$ \sigma_{\rm{SIS}} $ to be equal to the observed stellar velocity dispersion$ \sigma_0 $ [30]. Thus, we phenomenologically introduce the parameter f to account for the difference, i.e.,$ \sigma_{\rm{SIS}}=f\sigma_0 $ [31–33]. Here, f is a free parameter that is expected to be in the range$ 0.8<f^2<1.2 $ . The actual SGL data usually measure the velocity dispersion within the aperture radius$ \theta_{\rm ap} $ , which can be transformed to$ \sigma_0 $ according to the aperture correction formula [34]$ \begin{equation} \sigma_0=\sigma_{\rm ap}\left(\frac{\theta_{\rm{eff}}}{2\theta_{\rm{ap}}}\right)^{\eta}, \end{equation} $
(3) where
$ \sigma_{\rm ap} $ is the luminosity weighted average of the line-of-sight velocity dispersion inside the aperture radius,$ \theta_{\rm{eff}} $ is the effective angular radius, and η is the correction factor, which takes the value$ \eta=-0.066\pm0.035 $ [35, 36].$ \sigma_{\rm ap} $ propagates its uncertainty to$ \sigma_0 $ , and further to$ \sigma_{\rm SIS} $ . The uncertainty on the distance ratio$ R_A $ is propagated from that of$ \theta_{\rm E} $ and$ \sigma_{\rm SIS} $ . We take the fractional uncertainty on$ \theta_{\rm E} $ at the level of$5$ % [8].In the PL model, the mass density of the lensing galaxy follows the spherically symmetric PL distribution
$ \rho\propto r^{-\gamma} $ , where γ is the power-law index. In this model, the distance ratio can be written as [37]$ \begin{equation} R_A=\frac{{\rm c}^2\theta_{\rm{E}}}{4\pi\sigma^2_{\rm{ap}}}\left(\frac{\theta_{\rm ap}}{\theta_{\rm E}}\right)^{2-\gamma}f^{-1}(\gamma), \end{equation} $
(4) where
$ \begin{equation} f(\gamma)=-\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\frac{(5-2\gamma)(1-\gamma)}{3-\gamma}\frac{\Gamma(\gamma-1)}{\Gamma(\gamma-3/2)}\left[\frac{\Gamma(\gamma/2-1/2)}{\Gamma(\gamma/2)}\right]^2. \end{equation} $
(5) The PL model reduces to the SIS model when
$ \gamma=2 $ . Considering the possible redshift evolution of the mass density profile, we parameterize γ with the form$ \gamma(z_l)=\gamma_0+\gamma_1z_l $ , where$ \gamma_0 $ and$ \gamma_1 $ are two free parameters, and$ z_l $ is the redshift of the lens galaxy.In the EPL model, the luminosity density profile
$ \nu(r) $ is usually different from the total-mass density profile$ \rho(r) $ owing to the contribution of the dark matter halo. Therefore, we assume that the total mass density profile$ \rho(r) $ and the luminosity density of stars$ \nu(r) $ take the forms$ \begin{equation} \rho(r)=\rho_0\left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)^{-\alpha}, \ \nu(r)=\nu_0\left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)^{-\delta}, \end{equation} $
(6) respectively, where α and δ are the PL index parameters,
$ r_0 $ is the characteristic length scale, and$ \rho_0 $ and$ \nu_0 $ are two normalization constants. In this case, the distance ratio can be expressed as [38]$ \begin{equation} R_A=\frac{{\rm c}^2\theta_{\rm{E}}}{2\sigma_0^2\sqrt{\pi}}\frac{3-\delta}{(\xi-2\beta)(3-\xi)}\left(\frac{\theta_{\rm eff}}{\theta_{\rm E}}\right)^{2-\alpha}\left[\frac{\lambda(\xi)-\beta\lambda(\xi+2)}{\lambda(\alpha)\lambda(\delta)}\right], \end{equation} $
(7) where
$ \xi=\alpha+\delta-2 $ ,$ \lambda(x)=\Gamma(\frac{x-1}{2})/\Gamma(\frac{x}{2}) $ , and β is an anisotropy parameter characterizing the anisotropic distribution of the three-dimensional velocity dispersion, which is marginalized with the Gaussian prior$ \beta=0.18\pm0.13 $ [39]. We parameterize α with the form$ \alpha=\alpha_0+\alpha_1z_l $ to inspect the possible redshift-dependence of the lens mass profile and treat δ as a free parameter. When$ \alpha_0=\delta=2 $ and$ \alpha_1=\beta=0 $ , the EPL model reduces to the standard SIS model.In a flat Universe, the comoving distance is related to the angular diameter distance by
$ r_l=(1+z_l)D_{A_l} $ ,$ r_s=(1+z_s)D_{A_s} $ , and$ r_{ls}=(1+z_s)D_{A_{ls}} $ . Using the distance-sum rule$ r_{ls}=r_s-r_l $ [40], the distance ratio$ R_A $ can be expressed as$ \begin{equation} R_A=\frac{D_{A_{ls}}}{D_{A_s}}=1-\frac{(1+z_l)D_{A_l}}{(1+z_s)D_{A_s}}, \end{equation} $
(8) in which the ratio of
$ D_{A_l} $ and$ D_{A_s} $ can be converted to the ratio of$ D_{L_l} $ and$ D_{L_s} $ using the DDR.To test the possible violation of the DDR, we parameterize it with the form
$ \begin{equation} \frac{D_A(z)(1+z)^2}{D_L(z)}=1+\eta_0z, \end{equation} $
(9) where
$ \eta_0 $ is a parameter characterizing the deviation from the DDR. The standard DDR is the case in which$ \eta_0\equiv0 $ . Combining Eqs. (8) and (9), we obtain$ \begin{equation} R_A(z_l,z_s)=1-R_L P(\eta_0;z_l,z_s), \end{equation} $
(10) where
$ R_L\equiv D_{L_l}/D_{L_s} $ is the ratio of luminosity distance, and$ \begin{equation} P\equiv\frac{(1+z_s)(1+\eta_0z_l)}{(1+z_l)(1+\eta_0z_s)}. \end{equation} $
(11) The ratio of luminosity distance
$ R_L $ can be obtained from SNe Ia. At a certain redshift z, the distance modulus of SNe Ia is given by [14]$ \begin{equation} \mu=5\log_{10}\frac{D_L(z)}{ \rm{Mpc}}+25=m_B-M_B+\alpha x(z)-\beta c(z), \end{equation} $
(12) where
$ m_B $ is the apparent magnitude observed in the B-band,$ M_B $ is the absolute magnitude, x and c are the stretch and color parameters, respectively, and α and β are nuisance parameters. For the SNe Ia sample, we choose the largest and latest Pantheon dataset in the redshift range$ z\in[0.01,2.30] $ [14]. The Pantheon sample is well-calibrated by a new method known as BEAMS with Bias Corrections, and the effects of$ x(z) $ and$ c(z) $ have been corrected in the reported magnitude$ m_{B, \rm{corr}}=m_B+ \alpha x(z)-\beta c(z) $ . Thus, the nuisance parameters α and β are fixed at zero in Eq. (12), and$ m_B $ is replaced by the corrected magnitude$ m_{B, \rm corr} $ . For simplify, we use m to represent$ m_{B, \rm corr} $ hereafter. The distance ratio$ R_L $ can then be written as$ \begin{equation} R_L\equiv D_{L_l}/D_{L_s}=10^{\frac{m(z_l)-m(z_s)}{5}}, \end{equation} $
(13) where
$ m(z_l) $ and$ m(z_s) $ are the corrected apparent magnitudes of SNe Ia at redshifts$ z_l $ and$ z_s $ , respectively. As shown in the above equation, the absolute magnitude$ M_B $ exactly cancels out. The uncertainty on$ R_L $ propagates from the uncertainties on$ m(z_l) $ and$ m(z_s) $ using the standard error propagation formula.Combining SNe Ia and SGL, the parameter η can be constrained by maximizing the likelihood
$ \begin{equation} \mathcal{L}({\rm Data}|p,\eta_0)\propto\exp\left[-\frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{i=1}^N\frac{\left(1-R_{L,i}P_i(\eta_0;z_l,z_s)-R_{A,i}\right)^2}{\sigma_{{\rm total},i}^2}\right], \end{equation} $
(14) where
$ \sigma_{\rm total}=\sqrt{\sigma_{R_A}^2+P^2\sigma_{R_L}^2} $ is the total uncertainty, and N is the total number of data points. There are two sets of parameters, that is, the parameter$ \eta_0 $ relating to the violation of the DDR, and the parameter p relating to the lens mass model ($ p=f $ in the SIS model,$ p=(\gamma_0,\gamma_1) $ in the PL model, and$ p=(\alpha_0,\alpha_1,\delta) $ in the EPL model). -
With the reconstruction of the
$ m(z) $ relation, all SGL systems are available to test the DDR. To investigate how the inclusion of high-redshift SGL data affects the constraints on the DDR, we constrain the parameters with two samples. Sample I includes SGL data whose source redshift is below$ z_s<2.3 $ , which consists of 135 SGL systems, and Sample II includes all 161 SGL systems in the redshift range$ z_s<3.6 $ . We perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis to calculate the posterior probability density function (PDF) of parameter space using the publicly available python code$\textsf{emcee}$ [51]. Flat priors are used for all free parameters. The best-fit parameters in the SIS, PL, and EPL models are presented in Table 1. The corresponding 1σ and 2σ confidence contours and posterior PDFs for parameter space are plotted in Fig. 4.Sample SIS model PL model EPL model $ \eta_0 $ f $ \eta_0 $ $ \gamma_0 $ $ \gamma_1 $ $ \eta_0 $ $ \alpha_0 $ $ \alpha_1 $ δ $ z<2.3 $ $ -0.268^{+0.033}_{-0.029} $ $ 1.085^{+0.013}_{-0.013} $ $ 0.134^{+0.125}_{-0.100} $ $ 2.066^{+0.042}_{-0.044} $ $ -0.219^{+0.239}_{-0.205} $ $ -0.349^{+0.021}_{-0.020} $ $ 2.166^{+0.037}_{-0.044} $ $ -1.117^{+0.408}_{-0.358} $ $ 2.566^{+0.091}_{-0.066} $ $ z<3.6 $ $ -0.193^{+0.021}_{-0.019} $ $ 1.077^{+0.012}_{-0.011} $ $ -0.014^{+0.053}_{-0.045} $ $ 2.076^{+0.032}_{-0.032} $ $ -0.257^{+0.125}_{-0.116} $ $ -0.247^{+0.014}_{-0.013} $ $ 2.129^{+0.037}_{-0.037} $ $ -0.642^{+0.274}_{-0.346} $ $ 2.586^{+0.117}_{-0.100} $ Table 1. Best-fit parameters in three types of lens models.
Figure 4. (color online) 2D confidence contours and one-dimensional PDFs for the parameters in three types of lens models.
In the framework of the SIS model, the DDR violation parameters are constrained as
$ \eta_0=-0.268^{+0.033}_{-0.029} $ with Sample I and$ \eta_0=-0.193^{+0.021}_{-0.019} $ with Sample II, which both deviate from zero at a$ >8\sigma $ confidence level. In the framework of the PL model, the constraint of the violation parameter is$ \eta_0=0.134^{+0.125}_{-0.100} $ with Sample I, deviating from the standard DDR at a$ 1\sigma $ confidence level. Conversely, the violation parameter is constrained as$ \eta_0=-0.014^{+0.053}_{-0.045} $ with Sample II, consistent with zero at a$ 1\sigma $ confidence level. In the EPL model, the violation parameters are$ \eta_0=-0.349^{+0.021}_{-0.020} $ with Sample I and$ \eta_0=-0.247^{+0.014}_{-0.013} $ with Sample II, which suggest that the DDR deviates at a$ >16\sigma $ confidence level. As the results show, the inclusion of high-redshift SGL systems can more tightly constrain the DDR violation parameter. Additionally, the model of the lens mass profile has a significant impact on the constraint of the parameter$ \eta_0 $ . On the premise of the exact lens model, the DDR can be constrained at a precision of$ O(10^{-2}) $ using deep learning. The accuracy is significantly improved compared with previous results [8, 9, 15, 16].As for the lens mass profile, all parameters are tightly constrained in the three lens models. In the SIS model, the parameters are constrained as
$ f=1.085^{+0.013}_{-0.013} $ with Sample I and$ f=1.077^{+0.012}_{-0.011} $ with Sample II, slightly deviating from unity but with high significance. In the PL model, the parameters are constrained as$ (\gamma_0,\gamma_1)= (2.066^{+0.042}_{-0.044}, -0.219^{+0.239}_{-0.205}) $ with Sample I and$ (\gamma_0,\gamma_1)= (2.076^{+0.032}_{-0.032}, -0.257^{+0.125}_{-0.116}) $ with Sample II. The slope parameter indicates no evidence of redshift-evolution with Sample I, whereas with Sample II, the slope parameter is negatively correlated with redshift at a$ 2\sigma $ confidence level, which is consistent with the results of Chen et al. [36]. For the parameters of the EPL model, the constraints are$ (\alpha_0,\alpha_1,\delta)=(2.166^{+0.037}_{-0.044},-1.117^{+0.408}_{-0.358}, 2.566^{+0.091}_{-0.066}) $ with Sample I and$ (\alpha_0,\alpha_1,\delta)=(2.129^{+0.037}_{-0.037}, -0.642^{+0.274}_{-0.346}, 2.586^{+0.117}_{-0.100}) $ with Sample II. The results demonstrate a non-negligible redshift-evolution of the mass-density slope α, which is consistent with the results of Cao et al. [52]. None of the three lens models can be reduced to the standard SIS model within a 1σ confidence level. In other words,$ f=1 $ is excluded in the SIS model,$ (\gamma_0,\gamma_1)=(2,0) $ is excluded in the PL model, and$ (\alpha_0,\alpha_1,\delta)=(2,0,2) $ is excluded in the EPL model.
Deep learning method for testing the cosmic distance duality relation
- Received Date: 2022-07-19
- Available Online: 2023-01-15
Abstract: The cosmic distance duality relation (DDR) is constrained by a combination of type-Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and strong gravitational lensing (SGL) systems using the deep learning method. To make use of the full SGL data, we reconstruct the luminosity distance from SNe Ia up to the highest redshift of SGL using deep learning, and then, this luminosity distance is compared with the angular diameter distance obtained from SGL. Considering the influence of the lens mass profile, we constrain the possible violation of the DDR in three lens mass models. The results show that, in the singular isothermal sphere and extended power-law models, the DDR is violated at a high confidence level, with the violation parameter