ΛΛ−ΞN system in a pure S wave configuration has quantum numbers(i,jp)=(0,0+) , such that by adding one more nucleon, theΛΛN−ΞNN system necessarily has quantum numbers(I,JP)=(1/2,1/2+) . In a series of works based on the chiral constituent quark model [1-3], this system was studied under the assumption that the H dibaryon [4] has the lower limit mass determined by the E373 experiment at KEK [5] from the observation of a6ΛΛ He double hypernucleus. Despite significant experimental and theoretical efforts, the existence of the H dibaryon remains inconclusive, see Ref. [6] for a recent update. The experimental evidence disfavors large binding energies [7], as predicted in Ref. [4], and the high statistics study ofΥ decays at Belle [8] found no indication of an H dibaryon with a mass near theΛΛ threshold. Recently, the HAL QCD Collaboration [9] has published aNf=2+1 study of coupled channel (ΛΛ andΞN ) baryon-baryon interactions with near-physical quark masses, namelymπ=146 MeV, concluding that the H dibaryon could be aΛΛ resonance just below or above theΞN threshold. Similar results were obtained in a low-energy effective field theory study of the H dibaryon inΛΛ scattering [10].The HAL QCD results are being used as input for the study of strangeness - 2 baryon-baryon interactions, as recently done in relativistic chiral effective field theory studies [11]. The HAL QCD
ΞN interactions have also recently been used to study the possible existence ofΞNN bound states, see Ref. [12], with negative results for the(I,JP)=(1/2,1/2+) channel. For theNN interaction, they used the AV8 potential [13]. As the coupling betweenΛΛ andΞN was found to be weak in Ref. [9], they used an effective single-channelΞN potential, in which the coupling toΛΛ in11S0 was renormalized into a single Gaussian form chosen to reproduce theΞN phase shift obtained with channel coupling. The three-bodyΞNN problem is solved in the real axis by means of a variational method with Gaussian bases, the Gaussian Expansion Method [14,15]. The full coupling between theΞNN andΛΛN channels was not explicitly considered. A similar calculation based on the Nijmegen ESC08c potentials [16-18] was presented in Ref. [19], also with negative results for the(I,JP)=(1/2,1/2+) channel, see Fig. 2(a) of Ref. [19].Unlike the calculation in Ref. [12], we developed a model in Ref. [20] of the
ΛΛN−ΞNN three-body system, which allowed us to look for possible three-body resonances. Using separable two-body interactions fitted to the low-energy data of the Nijmegen S wave baryon-baryon amplitudes [16-18], we found a resonance just below theΞd threshold with a very small width of only 0.09 MeV. (It is worth to note that the results for theΞNN system with maximal isospin have been independently reproduced within the integral Faddeev equation formalism [21] in agreement with high accuracy.) Qualitatively similar results have been obtained and are described in Ref. [12]; although as stressed in this manuscript, they are numerically different due to a differentNN potential and a different treatment of the ESC08c Nijmegen S wave baryon-baryon interactions. Such dependencies on the models and parametrizations of the two-body interactions result in this three-body system being ideally suited for testing different models for two-body interactions.However, contrary to the recent results of the HAL QCD Collaboration, the Nijmegen baryon-baryon interactions gave no indication of either a bound state or a resonance in the
ΛΛ−ΞN (0,0+) two-body channel, the H-dibaryon channel. It is thus interesting to see if the existence of a resonance just below or above theΞN threshold, as it has been found by the HAL QCD Collaboration [9] and low-energy effective field theory studies [10], may affect the position of the three-body S wave(1/2,1/2+) ΛΛN−ΞNN resonance found in Ref. [20]. For this purpose, we have now constructed separable potential models of theΛΛ ,ΞN , andΛΛ−ΞN amplitudes reproducing the behavior of the HAL QCD collaboration results [9]. We have also performed a full-fledged coupled-channel study of theΛΛN−ΞNN three-body system.We use rank-one separable potentials for all uncoupled two-body channels, that is, for all channels except the
ΛΛ−ΞN (0,0+) interaction. They are as follows,Vρi=gρi⟩λ⟨gρi,
(1) such that the two-body t-matrices are
(2) with
(3) where
G0(i)=1/(E−Ki+iϵ) andKi is the kinetic energy operator of channel i. We use Yamaguchi form factors [22] for the separable potentials of Eq. (1), i.e.,gρi(p)=1α2+p2.
(4) For the case of the coupled
(0,0+) ΛΛ−ΞN channel, we use a rank-two separable potential of the form [23]Vρσij=gρi⟩λij⟨gσj,
(5) such that
(6) with
(7) and
(8) In this case, we also use Yamaguchi-type form factors as
(9) The parameters of the
ΛΛ−ΞN model based on the latest HAL QCD potentials are given in Table 1. In Figs. 1(a), (b), and (c) we show the predictions for theΛΛ andΞN phase shifts as well as the inelasticity, which are rather similar to those of modelt/a=12 of the HAL QCD Collaboration presented in Fig. 4 of Ref. [9]. The corresponding parameters of the uncoupledΞN models are given in Table 2. Note that our results have been obtained by taking the nucleon mass to be the average of the proton and neutron masses and theΞ mass as the average of theΞ0 andΞ− masses. Thus, theΞN andΞNN thresholds are 25.6 MeV above theΛΛ andΛΛN thresholds, respectively. However, this threshold is 32 MeV for the HAL QCD results [9], as they use the values obtained from their lattice QCD study for the baryon masses. Therefore, to compare our phase shifts with those of Ref. [9], one should keep in mind that the energy scale of Ref. [9] corresponds to those of Fig. 1 multiplied by 1.25. The models of theNN andΛN subsystems are the same as in Ref. [20].α β λ11 λ33 λ13 1.3465 1.1460 − 0.1390− 0.31710.0977 Table 1. Parameters
α andβ (in fm−1 ),λ11 ,λ33 , andλ13 (in fm−2 ) of the separable-potential model of the coupled(i,jp)=(0,0+) ΛΛ−ΞN two-body system.Figure 1. (a)
ΛΛ scattering phase shifts, (b)ΛΛ inelasticity, and (c)NΞ scattering phase shifts in the(i,jp)=(0,0+) channel.Channel α λ (0,1+) 1.41 -0.117 (1,0+) 7.333 22.97 (1,1+) 0.803 -0.016 Table 2. Parameters
α (in fm−1 ) andλ (in fm−2 ) of the separable-potential model of the uncoupled(i,jp) ΞN two-body channels.The coupled
ΛΛN−ΞNN three-body system presents the special characteristic that each three-body component consists of two identical fermions and a third one that is different. The homogeneous integral equations of this system appropriate for the search of bound and resonant states were derived in Ref. [3] using a graphical method. Using the new separable models presented in Tables 1 and 2 based on the HAL QCD interactions, we do not find any bound state below theΞd threshold, which is in agreement with the results of Ref. [12]. Therefore, we investigate the possible existence of a resonance above theΞd threshold by calculating theΞd scattering amplitude.We adopt the same convention as in Refs. [3,20], i.e., particles
2 and3 are identical and particle1 is different in each three-body component. After the reduction for identical particles, the inhomogeneous integral equations appropriate forΞd elastic scattering take the following form⟨1|T1|ϕ0⟩=2⟨1|tΛΛ1|1⟩⟨1|3⟩G0(3)⟨3|T3|ϕ0⟩+⟨1|tΛΛ−NΞ13|3⟩⟨3|1⟩G0(1)⟨1|U1|ϕ0⟩−⟨1|tΛΛ−NΞ13|3⟩⟨2|3⟩G0(3)⟨3|U3|ϕ0⟩,⟨3|T3|ϕ0⟩=−⟨3|tNΛ3|3⟩⟨2|3⟩G0(3)⟨3|T3|ϕ0⟩+⟨3|tNΛ3|3⟩⟨3|1⟩G0(1)⟨1|T1|ϕ0⟩,
(10) where
|ϕ0⟩ is the initial state consisting of the deuteron wave function times aΞ plane wave.Substituting Eqs. (2) and (6) into the integral Eq. (10) and introducing the transformations
⟨i|Ti|ϕ0⟩ =⟨i|gαii⟩⟨i|Xi|ϕ0⟩ and⟨i|Ui|ϕ0⟩=⟨i|gβii⟩⟨i|Yi|ϕ0⟩ , one obtains the inhomogeneous one-dimensional integral equations⟨1|X1|ϕ0⟩=2τΛΛ1⟨gΛΛ1|1⟩⟨1|3⟩G0(3)⟨3|gNΛ3⟩⟨3|X3|ϕ0⟩+τΛΛ−NΞ13⟨gNΞ3|3⟩⟨3|1⟩G0(1)⟨1|gNN1⟩⟨1|Y1|ϕ0⟩−τΛΛ−NΞ13⟨gNΞ3|3⟩⟨2|3⟩G0(3)⟨3|gNΞ3⟩⟨3|Y3|ϕ0⟩,⟨3|X3|ϕ0⟩=−τNΛ3⟨gNΛ3|3⟩⟨2|3⟩G0(3)⟨3|gNΛ3⟩⟨3|X3|ϕ0⟩+τNΛ3⟨gNΛ3|3⟩⟨3|1⟩G0(1)⟨1|gΛΛ1⟩⟨1|X1|ϕ0⟩,⟨1|Y1|ϕ0⟩=2τNN1⟨gNN1|1⟩⟨1|3⟩G0(3)⟨3|gNΞ3⟩⟨3|Y3|ϕ0⟩,
(11) If one neglects the inhomogeneous terms in Eqs. (10) and (11), they become identical to Eqs. (14) and (15) of Ref. [20]. The
Ξd scattering amplitude normalized as in the Argand diagram is given byF=−πq0ν⟨ϕ0|U3|ϕ0⟩,
(12) where
q0 andν , respectively, are theΞd on-shell momentum and the reduced mass. We solve the integral Eqs. (11) using the standard method [24], where the momentum variables are rotated into the complex plane asqi→qie−iϕ and the results are checked to be independent of the rotation angleϕ . If the resonance lies below theΞd threshold, as it was the case in Ref. [20], the contour rotation method allows to simultaneously consider both the momentum variables and the energy variable as complex, such that one can determine the position of the pole in the complex plane. However, if the resonance lies above theΞd threshold, as in the present case, the contour rotation method works only if one takes the momentum variables as complex but leaves the energy variable real, such that one cannot determine the position of the pole in the complex plane.We show, in Fig. 2, the Argand diagram of the
Ξd system between 0 and 10 MeV above theΞd threshold, where one sees the typical counterclockwise behavior of a resonant amplitude. If one neglects the(i,jp)=(0,0+) channel, the counterclockwise behavior disappears, which shows that the H-dibaryon channel(i,jp)=(0,0+) is basic for the existence of the three-bodyΛΛN−ΞNN S wave resonance.Figure 2. Argand diagram of the
Ξd system between 0 and 10 MeV above theΞd threshold. Several relevant energies, in MeV, are indicated.As already mentioned in the introduction, the HAL QCD
ΞN interactions have recently been used to study the possible existence ofΞNN bound states in Ref. [12] with negative results for the(I,JP)=(1/2,1/2+) channel, which is in agreement with our findings despite using a differentNN interaction and method.We have finally evaluated the
Ξd elastic cross-section as a function of energy, where we have included not only the(I,JP)=(1/2,1/2+) Ξd amplitude but also the(1/2,3/2+) amplitude, which is very small. The result is shown in Fig. 3. As one can see, the resonance shows up as a change of slope of the cross section at an energy around 2.3 MeV, i.e., close to theΞd breakup threshold√S=2mN+mΞ . The bump in the cross section would become larger for a stronger(i,jp)=(0,0+) transition potential, and as noted above, it would disappear if the(i,jp)=(0,0+) channel is not considered or the two-body resonance in the H-dibaryon channel does not exist. TheΞd cross section would allow for discrimination among the different models for the strangeness− 2 two-baryon interactions. It could be studied through the quasifreeΞ− production in the(K−,K+) reaction on a deuteron target [25,26].Let us finally note that if one drops the coupling to the
ΛΛN channel, Fig. 2 changes by about 10 % while maintaining its shape and rotating slightly to the right; similarly, in Fig. 3 the cross-section atE=2.3 MeV changes from 55 mb to 58 mb.It is interesting to compare this resonance with the nucleon-nucleon
1D2 Hoshizaki resonance [27], which has a mass close to√S=mN+mΔ , since it arises due to the process,NN→πNN , which is driven by the pion-nucleonΔ resonance [28]. The resonance we are studying here is driven by theΛΛ−ΞN H-dibaryon resonance, which appears either just below or above theNΞ threshold [9], such that it has a mass,mH=mN+mΞ . Following the comparison with the Hoshizaki state, one expects that theΛΛN−ΞNN resonance will have a mass close to√S=mN+mH=2mN+mΞ , which is precisely theΞd threshold and in agreement with Figs. 2 and 3.In brief, we have shown that the possible existence of a
ΛΛN−ΞNN resonance would be highly sensitive to theΛΛ−ΞN interaction. In particular, by using a separable potential based on the most recent results of the HAL QCD Collaboration, characterized by the existence of a resonance just below or above theΞN threshold in the H-dibaryon channel,(i,jp)=(0,0+) , a three-body resonance appears at 2.3 MeV above theΞd threshold. A theoretical and experimental effort to constrain theΛΛ−ΞN interaction is the basic requirement for progress in our investigation of the strangeness− 2 sector.
1.3465 | 1.1460 | 0.0977 |