In the backward method, we first employ PYTHIA6.4 to generate the final hadronic state in pp collisions at
$ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV. The jet-finding algorithm, i.e. the anti-$ k_t $ technique [32, 33], is then used to backward reconstruct the jets, as is done in the usual analysis of the experimental data [11]. As it starts from the final hadronic state and proceeds to the reconstructed hadronic jets by searching for their partonic origin, this routine is opposite to the natural time evolution of collisions, as sketched in the left part of Fig. 1. Hence, it is referred to as the backward method.In the anti-
$ k_t $ algorithm, the distance$ d_{ij} $ between entities (particle or energetic cluster) i and j is defined as [32]:$ d_{ij} = {\rm min}(k^{-2}_{ti},k^{-2}_{tj})\frac{(\Delta R)^2_{ij}}{R^2}, $
(1) where
$ (\Delta R)^2_{ij} = (y_i-y_j)^2+(\phi_i-\phi_j)^2, $
(2) and
$ k_{ti} $ ,$ y_i $ and$ \phi_i $ are the transverse momentum, rapidity and azimuthal angle of particle i, respectively. The distance between particle i and beam (B)$ d_{iB} $ is defined as$ d_{iB} = k^{-2}_{ti}. $
(3) With the distances
$ d_{ij} $ and$ d_{iB} $ , a list is compiled containing$ d_{ij} $ and$ d_{iB} $ for all particles in an event. If the smallest entry is$ d_{ij} $ , particles i and j are combined (their four-vectors are added) as a jet. If the smallest entry is$ d_{iB} $ , particle i is considered as a complete jet and removed from the list. The distances for all entities are recalculated and the procedure repeated until no entities are left. Thus, the distance parameter R in the anti-$ k_t $ algorithm is an essential quantity, within which the particles are reconstructed as a jet. If a hard particle has no hard neighbor within the distance 2R, then it will simply accumulate all soft particles within a circle of radius R, resulting in a perfectly conical jet. If there is another hard particle 2 in the area of$ R < \Delta R_{12} < 2R $ , then there will be two jets. The shape of jet$ 1 $ will be conical and jet 2 will be partly conical when$ k_{t1} \gg k_{t2} $ ; both cones will be clipped when$ k_{t1} \sim k_{t2} $ [32]. The anti-$ k_t $ algorithm is infrared and collinear safe and produces geometrically "conelike" jets, so it is widely used for jet reconstruction in experimental data analysis [10, 15, 16]. The jets are reconstructed from the final hadronic state and are attributed to the initial partonic state.Based on the hadronic final states in pp collisions at
$ \sqrt{s} $ = 7 TeV generated by PYTHIA6.4, we use the anti-$ k_t $ algorithm to reconstruct the jets. Following ATLAS [11], the charged particles with transverse momentum$ p_T > $ 300 MeV/c and pseudorapidity$ |\eta|<2.5 $ are counted and the distance parameter R = 0.6 is used. After jet reconstruction, the clusters with$ p_T > $ 4 GeV/c and$ |y|< $ 1.9 are accepted as jets, including those with only one particle in the cluster. The jets are divided into five bins according to their transverse momentum$ p_{{T,\rm jet}} $ , namely 4-6, 6-10, 10-15, 15-24 and 24-40 GeV/c. Jets with$ p_T > $ 40 GeV/c and particles that do not belong to any jet are excluded in the calculations.After the reconstruction of a jet using the anti-
$ k_t $ algorithm, we calculate the intra-jet particle distributions [11]:$ \begin{split} F(z, p_{{T,\rm jet}})\equiv & \frac{1}{N_{\rm jet}}\frac{{\rm d}N_{\rm ch}}{{\rm d}z}, \\ f(p_T^{\rm rel}, p_{{T,\rm jet}})\equiv & \frac{1}{N_{\rm jet}}\frac{{\rm d}N_{\rm ch}}{{\rm d}p_T^{\rm rel}}, \\ \rho_{\rm ch}(r, p_{{T,\rm jet}})\equiv & \frac{1}{N_{\rm jet}}\frac{{\rm d}N_{\rm ch}}{2\pi r{\rm d}r}. \end{split} $
(4) $ N_{\rm ch} $ and$ N_{\rm jet} $ in Eq. (4) are respectively the number of charged particle and jets in a given$ p_{{T,\rm jet}} $ bin. The variable z (known as the fragmentation variable)$ z = \frac{\vec{p}_{\rm ch}\cdot \vec{p}_{\rm jet}}{|\vec{p}_{\rm jet}|^2} $
(5) is defined for each charged particle in a jet, and the variable r stands for the radial distance of the charged particle from the axis of the jet,
$ r = \sqrt{(\phi_{\rm ch}-\phi_{\rm jet})^2+(y_{\rm ch}-y_{\rm jet})^2}, $
(6) and the variable
$ p_T^{\rm rel} $ refers to the momentum of the charged particle in a jet, transverse to the jet axis,$ p_T^{\rm rel} = \frac{|\vec{p}_{\rm ch}\times \vec{p}_{\rm jet}|}{|\vec{p}_{\rm jet}|^2}, $
(7) where
$ \vec{p}_{\rm ch} $ and$ \vec{p}_{\rm jet} $ are the momenta of the charged particle and the jet, respectively.
Comparative study of the forward and backward methods for calculating jet properties in pp collisions at ${\sqrt{ s}}$ =7 TeV
- Received Date: 2019-09-26
- Accepted Date: 2019-12-10
- Available Online: 2020-03-01
Abstract: We propose a forward method based on PYTHIA6.4 to study the jet properties in ultra-relativistic pp collisions. In the forward method, the partonic initial states are first generated with PYTHIA6.4 and then hadronized in the Lund string fragmentation model, and finally the hadronic jets are constructed from the created hadrons. Jet properties calculated with the forward method for pp collisions at