  • Rediscovery of numerical Lüscher's formula from the neural network
    We present that by predicting the spectrum in discrete space from the phase shift in continuous space, the neural network can remarkably reproduce the numerical Lüscher's formula to a high precision. The model-independent property of the Lüscher's formula is naturally realized by the generalizability of the neural network. This exhibits the great potential of the neural network to extract model-independent relation between model-dependent quantities, and this data-driven approach could greatly facilitate the discovery of the physical principles underneath the intricate data.
  • Distinguishing the observational signatures of hot spots orbiting Reissner-Nordström spacetime
    This paper investigates observable signatures of hot spots orbiting Reissner-Nordström (RN) black holes and naked singularities. For an RN black hole, we find two discernible lensing image tracks in time integrated images, capturing a complete orbit of hot spots and a image shadow within the critical curve where photons with a small impact parameter fall into the event horizon. Conversely, in RN singularities, additional image tracks can be found within the critical curve, originating from photons reflected by the infinitely high effective potential well. Moreover, we find incomplete and converging tracks from the time integrated images of hot spot orbiting RN singularities that have no photon sphere. The presence of these additional image tracks significantly influences temporal magnitudes at their local maxima, enabling us to differentiate between RN black holes and RN naked singularities.
  • Ab initio valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations for neutron-rich P, Cl, and K isotopes
    Neutron-rich P, Cl, and K isotopes, particularly those with neutron numbers of approximately $ N=28 $, have attracted extensive experimental and theoretical interest. We utilize the ab initio valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group approach, based on chiral nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon forces, to investigate the exotic properties of these isotopes. Systematic calculations of the low-lying spectra are performed. A key finding is the level inversion between $ 3/2_1^+ $ and $ 1/2_1^+ $ states in odd-A isotopes, attributed to the inversion of $ \pi 0d_{3/2} $ and $ \pi 1s_{1/2} $ single-particle states. The ab initio calculations, which incorporate the three-nucleon forces, correlate closely with existing experimental data. Further calculations of effective proton single-particle energies provide deeper insights into the shell evolution for $ Z=14 $ and $ 16 $ sub-shells. Our results indicate that the three-body force plays important roles in the shell evolution for $ Z=14 $ and $ 16 $ sub-shells with neutron numbers ranging from 20 to 28. Additionally, systematic ab initio calculations are conducted for the low-lying spectra of odd-odd nuclei. The results correspond with experimental data and provide new insights for future research into these isotopes up to and beyond the drip line.
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  • A comparative lattice analysis of SU(2) dark glueballs
    2024, 48(8): 083108-083108-14. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad4e24
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    We study the mass and scattering cross section of $S U(2)$ glueballs as dark matter candidates using lattice simulations. We employ both naive and improved $S U(2)$ gauge actions in $ 3+1 $ dimensions with several β values, and we adopt both the traditional Monte Carlo method and flow-based model based on machine learning techniques to generate lattice configurations. The mass of a dark scalar glueball with $ J^{PC}=0^{++} $ and the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter wave function are calculated. Using a coupling constant of $ \beta=2.2 $ as an illustration, we compare the dark glueball mass calculated from the configurations generated from the two methods. While consistent results can be achieved, the two methods demonstrate distinct advantages. Using the Runge-Kutta method, we extract the glueball interaction potential and two-body scattering cross section. From the observational constraints, we obtain the lower bound of the mass of scalar glueballs as candidates of dark matter.
  • Discovery potential of the Glashow resonance in an air shower neutrino telescope
    2024, 48(8): 085107-085107-10. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad4c5c
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    The in-ice or in-water Cherenkov neutrino telescope, such as IceCube, has already proved its power in measuring the Glashow resonance by searching for the bump around $ E^{}_{\rm \nu} = 6.3\; {\rm PeV} $ arising from the W-boson production. There are many proposals for the next few decades for observations of cosmic tau neutrinos with extensive air showers, also known as tau neutrino telescopes. The air shower telescope is, in principle, sensitive to the Glashow resonance via the channel $ W \to \tau \nu^{}_{\tau} $ followed by the tau decay in the air (e.g., TAMBO, which has a geometric area of approximately $ 500\; {\rm km^2} $). Using a thorough numerical analysis, we find that the discovery significance can be up to 90% with a TAMBO-like setup if PeV neutrinos primarily originate from neutron decays, considering the flux parameters measured by IceCube as the input. The presence of new physics affecting the neutrino flavor composition can also increase the significance. However, if ultrahigh-energy neutrinos are dominantly produced from meson decays, it will be statistically difficult for an advanced proposal such as TAMBO to discriminate the Glashow resonance induced by $ \overline{\nu}^{}_{e} $ from the intrinsic $ \nu^{}_{\tau}/\overline{\nu}^{}_{\tau} $ background. We have identified several limitations for such advanced telescopes, in comparison with the in-ice or in-water telescope, when measuring resonances: (i) a suppressed branching ratio of 11% for the decay $ W \to \tau \nu^{}_{\tau} $; (ii) the smearing effect and reduced acceptance because the daughter neutrino takes away $ \langle y \rangle \sim \ $75% of the energy from the W decay; and (iii) a large attenuation effect for Earth-skimming neutrinos with the resonance.
  • Quasi-normal modes, emission rate, and shadow of charged AdS black holes with perfect fluid dark matter
    2024, 48(8): 085105-085105-11. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad4af4
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    In this study, we comprehensively investigated charged AdS black holes surrounded by a distinct form of dark matter. In particular, we focused on key elements including the Hawking temperature, quasi-normal modes (QNMs), emission rate, and shadow. We first calculated the Hawking temperature, thereby identifying critical values such as the critical radius and maximum temperature of the black hole, essential for determining its phase transition. Further analysis focused on the QNMs of charged AdS black holes immersed in perfect fluid dark matter (PFDM) within the massless scalar field paradigm. Employing the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) method, we accurately derived the frequencies of these QNMs. Additionally, we conducted a meticulous assessment of how the intensity of the PFDM parameter α influences the partial absorption cross sections of the black hole, along with a detailed study of the frequency variation of the energy emission rate. The pivotal role of geodesics in understanding astrophysical black hole characteristics is highlighted. Specifically, we examined the influence of the dark matter parameter on photon evolution by computing the shadow radius of the black hole. Our findings distinctly demonstrate the significant impact of the PFDM parameter α on the boundaries of this shadow, providing crucial insights into its features and interactions. We also provide profound insights into the intricate dynamics between a charged AdS black hole, novel dark matter, and various physical phenomena, elucidating their interplay and contributing valuable knowledge to the understanding of these cosmic entities.
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